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Dave Reichert's Public Statements on Issue: National Security

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for Governor (WA)

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Date Title
04/23/2015 Reichert Supports Critical Cybersecurity Legislation
06/10/2013 Rep. Reichert Applauds Passage of H.R. 2217 and United States Fire Administration Amendment
09/29/2008 Crucial Reichert Homeland Security Legislation Ready for President's Signature
10/26/2007 Reichert: Wildefires Showcase Need for Good Samaritan Bill Contractor-Protection Legislation Wating for Committee Action
01/09/2007 Reichert Supports Intent of 9/11 Commission bill, but Identifies Areas of Significant Cause for Concern
01/03/2007 DHS Fulfills First Step of Reichert's
10/25/2006 Press Release - Reichert Increases in Latest House Power Rankings
10/25/2006 Press Release - Reichert Praises Expedited Action by FEMA, Opening of Biodiesel Plant
10/17/2006 Press Release - Reichert Praises Establishment of System to Try Terrorists
09/30/2006 Press Release - Reichert Points to Local Benefits of Port Security Bill
09/29/2006 Conference Report On H.R. 5441, Department Of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007
09/29/2006 Press Release - Reichert's FEMA Reform Legislation Passes the House
09/26/2006 Press Release - Another Reichert Bill Responding to 9/11 Commission Passes
09/26/2006 Promoting Antiterrorism Capabilities Through International Cooperation Act
09/25/2006 Press Release - Reichert Supports Key Bills to Secure Nation's Borders
07/26/2006 Reichert Begins Hearings on Emergency Medical Care Crisis
06/08/2006 Chairman Reichert Points to Chertoff, Coast Guard Testimony: FEMA Must Stay in DHS
05/11/2006 Rep. Dave Reichert Introduces Katrina "Lessons Learned" Legislation in the House
05/04/2006 Reichert Praises Port Protection Provided by SAFE Port Act
04/27/2006 Reichert Announces Post-Katrina FEMA Reform Bill
04/27/2006 King, Thompson, Reichert, Pascrell, McCaul, Etheridge Announce Katrina Legislation
04/12/2006 Thompson, King, Reichert, and Pascrell Call For Keeping FEMA in the Department of Homeland Security
04/06/2006 Reichert Lauds Choice of Paulison to Head FEMA
03/08/2006 Reichert Touts Importance of Meth-Fighting Provisions in the Patriot Act
03/08/2006 Reichert Receives Security Leadership Award for Hearing Results

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