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John Barrasso's Public Statements on Issue: Energy


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (WY) - Sr

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Date Title
02/29/2024 Barrasso, Cassidy Introduce Bill to Reverse Biden’s LNG Pause
11/02/2023 Wyoming's Lily Barkau Testifies on Carbon Capture and Sequestration at the U.S. Senate
11/02/2023 Barrasso: We Need Carbon Capture Innovation, Not Coal Elimination
10/31/2023 Barrasso: Daniel-Davis has Undermined Energy Security
10/27/2023 Barrasso Calls on White House to Proceed With Lease Sale 261
10/26/2023 Barrasso: Restricting American Oil Production Threatens Our Economy, National Security
10/25/2023 Barrasso, Lummis Cosponsor Legislation Pushing Back on Radical Electric Vehicle Mandate
10/25/2023 Barrasso: Easing Sanctions on Venezuela is Bad Energy Policy for America
10/19/2023 Barrasso: President Biden's "Energy Transition" Obsession Will Move Us from Energy Independence to Energy and Mineral Dependence on China, Russia, and OPEC
10/16/2023 Barrasso: Biden Easing Sanctions on Venezuela Puts American Energy Last
09/20/2023 Ranking Member Cruz Joins Amicus Brief to Protect Energy Production in U.S. Gulf of Mexico
09/14/2023 Manchin, Barrasso Issue Permitting Update
09/06/2023 Barrasso Blasts Biden's Attack on Petroleum Reserve, American Families
08/24/2023 Barrasso: U.S. Sanctions On Venezuela Should Not Be Lifted
07/20/2023 Barrasso: Biden Rule Will Put Wyoming Oil and Gas Workers on the Unemployment Line
06/15/2023 Barrasso Bill Would Protect Availability of Critical Transformers
06/13/2023 Barrasso Leads Effort to Lower Prices at the Pump
05/31/2023 EPW Committee Advances Bipartisan Nuclear Energy Legislation
05/22/2023 Microvast Grant Application Rejected by Department of Energy
05/18/2023 Barrasso Bills Safeguard Taxpayer Money, Protect American Innovation Against Communist China
05/08/2023 House and Senate Republican Energy Leaders Request that GAO Evaluate DOE's Mismanagement of the SPR
05/03/2023 Barrasso: Republicans Are United in Restoring America's Energy Dominance
03/16/2023 Barrasso Leads Letter to Sec. Yellen on the Administration's Latest Attack on American Energy
02/15/2023 Manchin, Barrasso and Risch Introduce Bipartisan Nuclear Fuel Security Act

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