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John Barrasso's Public Statements on Issue: Energy


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (WY) - Sr

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11/23/2021 Tweet - "Begging OPEC and Russia to increase production and now using the Strategic Petroleum Reserve are desperate attempts to address a Biden-caused disaster. They're not substitutes for American energy production. #SPR"
11/05/2021 Tweet - "There's nothing funny about spiking gas prices hurting American families. @POTUS and @SecGranholm could end their illegal ban of federal oil and gas production today. Instead, they're begging OPEC and Russia for more oil. Disgraceful."
11/03/2021 Tweet - "Instead of investing in unsuccessful green energy companies, the Biden administration should end its war on American energy. Taxpayer funded green gambles have done little to jumpstart job growth. We should prioritize protecting energy jobs that spur real economic development."
10/27/2021 Tweet - "While @POTUS is about to soar off to Scotland for a world climate conference, energy prices are soaring here at home. He'll be overseas for Halloween, but people all across America will be suffering through the nightmare of high energy costs thanks to the #BidenEnergyCrisis."
10/22/2021 Tweet - ". @POTUS could end his illegal ban oil and gas leasing on federal lands today. We have American energy right here. President Biden is blocking us from using it."
10/19/2021 Tweet - "Joe Biden still doesn't understand the fundamental truth that we do much better as a nation if we are selling energy to our friends rather than if we have to buy it from our enemies. Every American is paying the price for Joe Biden's war on American energy."
10/19/2021 Tweet - "We have the best energy resources in the world. We also have the best energy workers in the world. It's time we let these good men & women do their jobs. It's time for @POTUS & the Democrats to get out of the way of affordable American energy."
10/12/2021 Tweet - "While Americans are paying sky high prices at the pump, the Biden Administration has its head in the sand. Begging OPEC and Russia to produce more isn't an energy policy, its surrender."
10/10/2021 Tweet - "Americans are paying more for gas at the pump than they have over the last seven years. America used to be energy dominant. Now we are energy dependent--and it's all because of Joe Biden's policies."
10/07/2021 Tweet - "Americans are struggling with exploding inflation & spiking gas prices. Instead of releasing oil from our nation's strategic reserve and begging OPEC and Russia for more oil, @POTUS should abandon his irresponsible attempts to end oil and gas leasing on federal lands and waters."
10/06/2021 Tweet - "Gas prices are the highest they've been in seven years. Now, @POTUS & the Democrats want to accelerate inflation by spending trillions more AND crush American production of oil and gas. #Bidenflation"
10/05/2021 Tweet - "People are feeling the pain of this administration and inflation. Everybody is paying higher prices today for gas and groceries compared to the day Joe Biden came into office. Inflation will only get worse if the Democrats pass this reckless tax and spending bill."
09/02/2021 Tweet - "The Dems' reckless tax & spending spree is a gift to our nation's adversaries. Dems are ramming through a bill that will effectively end new oil & gas leasing on federal lands & waters at a time when gasoline prices are rising & @POTUS is begging OPEC & Russia to pump more oil."
08/03/2021 Tweet - "The best way to help lift people in the developing world out of poverty is to give them access to affordable and reliable energy. The U.S. Int'l Development Finance Corporation is undermining these efforts by restricting financing for critical coal, oil and gas-powered projects."
07/14/2021 Tweet - "The people are paying the price when they buy groceries and fill up their gas tanks. #Bidenflation is hurting American families."
07/07/2021 Tweet - "Nowhere are Americans feeling the pain more than at the pump. Gasoline prices have spiked about 70 cents per gallon since Pres. Biden was inaugurated. They will only continue to climb. That's the high price of bad policy choices."
07/01/2021 Tweet - "Pres. Biden has surrendered our energy independence. We've gone from energy dominance to energy dependence. This Fourth of July weekend, Americans will pay much more for gas than they did last year because of the policies of this administration."
12/21/2020 Tweet - "Wyoming energy scored two big wins today. Bipartisan legislation to promote new & innovative uses of #coal & help boost WY's #uranium production is headed to the president's desk."
08/13/2020 Tweet - "WY leads the way when it comes to regulating #methane emissions from oil & gas. The Obama-era methane rule was unnecessary & burdensome. Lifting this rule is just one way @realDonaldTrump & @EPA are working to protect our air without harming the economy."
07/16/2020 Tweet - "Great news, @FERC released its final #PURPA rule today and it mirrors many of the reforms @SenatorRisch & I included in our legislation to modernize this 40 year old law & lower electricity prices."
06/04/2020 Tweet - "Today, @SenTedCruz , @SenatorShaheen , @SenTomCotton , @SenRonJohnson , & I introduced legislation clarifying & expanding the sanctions of the Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act, to block the #NordStream2 pipeline's completion."
05/29/2020 Tweet - "Carbon capture technologies are key to reducing carbon emissions & creating new jobs in WY. Recent guidance from #IRS provides certainty to carbon capture innovators & investors. I look forward to continued work with the Trump administration to strengthen & finalize the rule."
03/03/2020 Tweet - "America is perilously close to finding ourselves completely reliant on foreign imports of uranium. Just pressed DOE @SecBrouillette to release the overdue Nuclear Fuel Working Group report and commit to providing immediate relief to America's and Wyoming's #uranium producers."
12/17/2019 Tweet - "The Senate just passed the National Defense Authorization Act. This bill gives our troops the pay raise they have earned & deserve, & includes funding for important military projects at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne. #NDAA"
11/20/2019 Tweet - "Introduced legislation with @SenKevinCramer that will advance the safety review of the Yucca Mountain facility. It also takes important steps to strengthen the nation's nuclear waste management program."

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