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John Barrasso's Public Statements on Issue: Energy


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (WY) - Sr

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Date Title
10/19/2023 ICYMI: Barrasso, Rodgers Pen Op-Ed: The Biden Climate Legacy: American Weakness
08/21/2023 ICYMI: Barrasso Op-Ed: Biden's Anti-Nuclear Move Fits His Anti-American Energy Agenda
07/24/2023 ICYMI: Barrasso Op-Ed: China is playing Biden officials for suckers on climate
07/30/2022 Barrasso Op-Ed: Learning From Europe's Energy Mistakes
06/20/2022 ICYMI: Barrasso Op-Ed: If Your Power Goes Out this Summer, Blame President Joe Biden's Energy Policies
04/27/2022 Biden's energy counter-revolution

Fox News - Sen. John Barrasso: US energy independence is vital -- Biden's policies could destroy it
06/28/2021 Newsweek - The Coming Biden Climate Intellectual Property Crisis
03/17/2021 Newsweek - A Tale of Two Pipelines
02/01/2021 USA Today - Biden's climate change orders take a sledgehammer to Western state economies: Barrasso
08/18/2020 Gillette News Record - Wyoming is leading the way on carbon capture
08/02/2020 Casper Star Tribune - Barrasso: The future of nuclear energy is American
11/12/2019 Fox News - Sen. John Barrasso: 840 million people have no electricity -- World Bank must fund more energy projects
02/05/2019 Fox News - Senators Reintroduce USE IT Act to Promote Carbon Capture Research and Development
07/27/2018 The Washington Post - Europe's Addiction to Russian Energy is Dangerous
03/29/2017 Washington Times - Toward a Better Climate Sans Paris
02/01/2017 USA Today - EPA needs Scott Pruitt
01/17/2017 Fox News - Sen. Barrasso: For 8 years the EPA has made life hard for too many Americans. That's about to change
02/10/2016 Investor's Business Daily - Obama's Gas Tax Doesn't Add Up
01/25/2016 Indianz - More Work Left to Do for Indian Country
11/20/2015 Indian Country Today Media Network - Getting Washington out of Indian Country
09/28/2015 Fox News - It's Time to Unleash the Power of American Oil
02/25/2015 Roll Call - LNG Exports Can Power America's Economic Recovery
02/23/2015 Roll Call: LNG Exports Can Power America's Economic Recovery
10/28/2014 Fox News - The Only Way to Break Washington Gridlock: A Republican Senate

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