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John Barrasso's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (WY) - Sr

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11/19/2021 Tweet - "Their plan includes billions of dollars to hire an army of IRS agents, gives millionaires in New York and California a massive tax cut, and sticks families in Wyoming with the bill. It also includes a massive down payment on the punishing Green New Deal."
08/10/2021 Tweet - "Offered an amendment to the budget resolution to spare the country from the so-called "Green New Deal.' The #GreenNewDeal is a socialist scheme that would destroy jobs. It will reduce the quality of life for the American people."
07/15/2021 Tweet - "I am grateful to the lead investigator for providing the committee with all of the facts of the case. Not only did Tracy Stone-Manning collaborate with eco-terrorists, she also helped plan the tree spiking in Clearwater National Forest."
07/01/2021 Tweet - "You get dizzy watching Pres. Biden tie himself into knots on #infrastructure as he tries to tell everybody what they want to hear. Democrats are saying you're not getting any physical infrastructure unless we get free child care, free college tuition & so-called climate justice."
02/03/2021 Tweet - "The battle to raise taxes, to socialize health care, or to mandate a job-crushing Green New Deal will all need to pass through the Finance Committee. Americans can't afford any of these bad ideas right now. Not ever. I'm looking forward to the fight."
12/23/2020 Tweet - "Today's long-awaited action by @Interior gives Wyoming soda ash producers the certainty we need to stay competitive in the global market. Lowering the royalty rate will level the playing field against China & preserve these high-paying jobs in Wyoming."
12/21/2020 Tweet - "All three of these measures will protect our air while keeping costs down for the American people."
12/21/2020 Tweet - "Water infrastructure is critical to every community in our country. The Water Resources Development Act will help grow the economy, cut red tape, and keep communities safe."
12/21/2020 Tweet - "Republicans and Democrats are working together to protect the environment through innovation. This historic agreement includes three separate pieces of legislation that will significantly reduce greenhouse gasses."
03/10/2020 Tweet - ". @SenatorCardin & I introduced a bipartisan resolution paying tribute to the US-Australia firefighting alliance. It recognizes the sacrifices of courageous American & Australian firefighters, including 15 firefighters from Wyoming."
01/23/2020 Tweet - "The old #WOTUS rule was confusing. Even worse, it inserted Washington into local decision making. I will continue to work closely with the Trump administration as it seeks commonsense ways to keep America's water clean and safe."
12/20/2019 Tweet - "Wrote in @FoxNews about how @GovInslee is hurting the environment and playing into the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin."
11/20/2019 Tweet - "Introduced legislation with @SenKevinCramer that will advance the safety review of the Yucca Mountain facility. It also takes important steps to strengthen the nation's nuclear waste management program."
11/12/2019 Tweet - "Glad that @GovernorGordon is coming to Washington next week to testify on how the Clean Water Act is being hijacked by a number of states. Washington state is blocking Wyoming coal from being exported around the world."
10/22/2019 Tweet - "Joined @senatemajldr, @SenatorBraun, @SenCapito & @RandPaul in introducing the Growing American Innovation Now (GAIN) Act today. It will help grow our economy & protect the environment at the same time."
09/12/2019 Tweet - "The 2015 #WOTUS rule would have put backyard ponds, puddles, & prairie potholes under Washington's control. I applaud the Trump administration for working to remove this outrageous regulation."
06/21/2019 Tweet - "The Trump administration's proposed #NEPA guidance is providing important clarity to states & businesses. It will help ensure that major energy projects in Wyoming & across the country can move forward without needless delays and litigation."
05/29/2019 Tweet - "Wrote in the @WSJ today about how we need to get serious about burying nuclear waste. This shouldn't be a partisan issue. Nuclear power is vital to the nation's power supply--and to addressing climate change. #NuclearPower"
03/26/2019 Tweet - "The #GreenNewDeal is not the solution for America. It's a big green bomb that will blow a hole in our strong, healthy & growing economy. That's exactly why Dems aren't voting for it & it's exactly why Dems are running away from it as fast as they can."
12/18/2018 Tweet - "Over the past decade, American energy-related carbon dioxide emissions have been falling. Technology breakthroughs have led to an American energy renaissance & a growing economy. As our economy has strengthened, we have lowered emissions."
10/24/2018 Tweet - "America's Water #Infrastructure Act is a win for all Americans, and I am pleased President @realDonaldTrump has signed it into law."
10/23/2018 Tweet - "Honored to be at White House today when Pres. @realDonaldTrump signed our bipartisan America's Water Infrastructure Act into law: Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead"
10/10/2018 Tweet - "America's Water Infrastructure Act: Grows the economy and creates jobs Cuts red tape for water #infrastructure projects Keeps communities safe from floods & droughts and by providing clean drinking water Learn how it will help your community:"
10/10/2018 Tweet - "Passing major water infrastructure legislation has united the Senate. Infrastructure is something we agree on. I am proud to send America's Water Infrastructure Act to President @realDonaldTrump for his signature."
10/10/2018 Tweet - "Thanks to @SenatorCarper and my fellow senators for supporting America's Water Infrastructure Act. I am pleased to send this important bill to @realDonaldTrump for his signature."

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