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John Barrasso's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (WY) - Sr

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Date Title
03/07/2024 Barrasso: Biden Failed the Nation Tonight
02/07/2023 Barrasso on Biden's State of the Union Address: Americans Have Had Enough
12/16/2021 Barrasso Slams Democrats' War on Police
03/18/2021 Barrasso: Becerra Unqualified and Radical
03/03/2021 Barrasso: The Biden Administration is Slamming the Door Shut on Transparent Rules and Regulations
02/03/2021 Barrasso: Mandate to Move to the Middle
05/21/2020 Senate Confirms David Wright & Christopher Hanson to Serve as NRC Commissioners
03/24/2020 Senate Confirms Katherine Lemos to Chair Chemical Safety Board
03/06/2020 Lankford, Inhofe Applaud President's Commitment to Save Blue-Collar Refinery Jobs
02/05/2020 Barrasso: Now the Senate Gets Back to Work
01/15/2020 Justice Will Finally be Done in the Senate
01/06/2020 Inhofe Joins Resolution to Allow Dismissal of "Bogus Impeachment' Against President Trump
12/18/2019 Conference Chairman Barrasso Statement on House Democrats' Impeachment Vote
09/24/2019 Barrasso: Democrats Have Been Working to Undermine President Donald Trump Since Day One
07/23/2019 Barrasso: Strong Bipartisan Vote Shows Esper Has Right Experience to Serve as Secretary of Defense
03/01/2019 Western Caucus Applauds the Confirmation of Andrew Wheeler as Administrator of the EPA
02/12/2018 Chairman Barrasso Response to President Trump's Infrastructure Plan
01/30/2018 Barrasso Response to President Trump's State of the Union Address
11/13/2017 Barrasso Statement on Announcement of Alex Azar to Lead HHS
10/12/2017 Barrasso Statement on President Trump's Health Care Executive Order
05/13/2017 Barrasso Statement on Nomination of Susan Bodine
03/24/2017 Barrasso Statement on Keystone XL Pipeline Permitting
02/28/2017 Barrasso Response to President Trump's Joint Address to Congress
02/21/2017 Barrasso Statement on Office of Oklahoma Attorney General Releasing Emails
01/31/2017 Barrasso Statement on Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch

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