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Joe Biden, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Taxes


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for President

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Date Title
09/19/2021 Tweet - "We need to build an economy that gives working people a fair shot. We need to restore fairness to our tax code. We need to make long overdue investments in our infrastructure. We need to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and my Build Back Better Agenda."
09/19/2021 Tweet - "For me it's pretty simple: It's about time working people got the tax breaks in this country. That's the Build Back Better Agenda."
09/19/2021 Tweet - "Past presidents have cut taxes for the wealthy and biggest corporations with the promise of economic growth. It doesn't work. The ultra-wealthy and corporations must pay their fair share--which will lower costs for the middle class."
09/18/2021 Tweet - "Our Build Back Better Agenda is a historic investment in middle-class families. It will be paid for by reforming the tax code to make sure the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations pay their fair share. No one earning under $400,000 will pay a penny more in taxes."
09/18/2021 Tweet - "Big corporations and the super wealthy have to start paying their fair share. It is long overdue."
09/18/2021 Tweet - "My plan is very clear: we will not raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000 a year. It's only corporations and people making over $400,000 a year who will see their taxes go up."
09/17/2021 Tweet - "Today in this country, the top 1% evade an estimated $160 billion in taxes each year. 55 of the most profitable corporations in America pay zero dollars in federal income taxes on $40 billion in profit. It just isn't right -- and my economic plan will change it."
09/17/2021 Tweet - "We can build an economy that gives working people a fair shot. We can restore some sanity and fairness to our tax code. We can make the investments that we know are long overdue in this nation. That's exactly what my Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan does."
09/17/2021 Tweet - "My Build Back Better Agenda benefits ordinary, hardworking Americans -- not those at the top. It's a historic middle class tax cut -- cutting taxes for over 50 million families."
09/17/2021 Tweet - "Big corporations and the super wealthy have to start paying their fair share of taxes. It's long overdue. I'm not out to punish anyone. All I'm asking is that you pay your fair share--just like middle-class folks do."
09/17/2021 Tweet - "It's time that working people in this country got the tax breaks for a change."
09/16/2021 Tweet - "I can't believe this has to be said, but a teacher shouldn't pay a higher tax rate than a hedge fund manager."
09/16/2021 Tweet - "When big corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share, we are able to invest in America."
09/15/2021 Tweet - "Let me be clear: The wealthy don't need another tax cut, the middle class does. The hardworking Americans who get up every day and make this country run. We're going to pass a historic middle class tax cut -- paid for by making those at the top pay their fair share."
09/15/2021 Tweet - "Today, another round of payments from our expanded Child Tax Credit is heading to working families across the country. Be on the lookout for a $250 to $300 payment labeled "CHILDCTC" in your bank account. Help is here with the American Rescue Plan."
09/14/2021 Tweet - "It's time the super-wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share in taxes."
09/14/2021 Tweet - "To be clear: If you make under 400k, my Build Back Better Agenda won't raise your taxes a cent. Not only that -- you'll get a historic tax cut, and see lower costs on things like child care and health care. And all of it will be paid for by the wealthy paying their fair share."
09/14/2021 Tweet - "Look, I don't want to punish anyone's success, but the wealthy have been getting a free ride at the expense of the middle class for too long. I intend to pass one of the biggest middle class tax cuts ever -- paid for by making those at the top pay their fair share."
09/13/2021 Tweet - "The fact is a firefighter shouldn't pay more in taxes than an entire tech company. A teacher shouldn't pay more in taxes than an oil company. We're going to cut taxes for the middle class by ensuring the wealthy and large corporations pay their fair share."
09/13/2021 Tweet - "If you make less than $400,000 per year, I'll never raise your taxes one penny. But if you're at the very top, it's time to pay your fair share. We need to reward work in this country -- not just wealth."
09/13/2021 Tweet - "With my Build Back Better Agenda, we're going to cut middle class taxes and lower the cost of living -- all funded by making the wealthy pay their fair share for a change. It's time we give hardworking Americans -- the backbone of this country -- a fair shot to get ahead."
09/08/2021 Tweet - "$163 billion -- that's how much the top one percent evades in taxes they owe each year. It's unacceptable. We're going to change that with my Build Back Better Agenda, and use that money to invest in the middle class."
09/07/2021 Tweet - "For those big corporations that don't want things to change, my message is this: It's time for working families to have their taxes cut. We're going to create a fairer tax system -- and we're going to build this economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not the top down."
09/07/2021 Tweet - "Should we let millions of children grow up in poverty to protect offshore tax loopholes for the largest corporations? Should we allow climate change to devastate middle class and working families? My answer is no. That's why I'm fighting to pass my Build Back Better Agenda."
09/06/2021 Tweet - "55 of the biggest companies paid zero in federal income taxes last year. It's just plain wrong. We're going to change that -- and use the money we collect to cut taxes for middle class families, make it easier to raise kids and take care of your aging parents, and so much more."

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