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Joe Biden, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Labor Unions


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for President

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12/08/2022 Tweet - "The Butch Lewis Act I signed into law shored up pensions for millions of union workers facing cuts to the benefits they earned. Today, our Administration is announcing the single largest approval of funds from the Act: $36 billion, covering over 350,000 workers and retirees."
12/02/2022 Tweet - "Our rail system is the backbone of our supply chain. Without it, industries would shut down and hundreds of thousands of Americans could be out of work. With the help of bipartisan members of Congress, I signed a bill that averts disaster and keeps our economy on stable footing."
12/02/2022 Tweet - "With the signing of the Railway Labor Agreement, we not only spared this country a catastrophe. We ensured rail workers will get a historic 24% wage increase, better conditions, and a cap on health care costs. And I won't stop fighting for paid sick leave for all workers."
05/22/2022 Tweet - "Rebuilding America with union labor is smart for business. Why? When union workers are on the job, projects are completed efficiently and professionally, and they ultimately save money."
05/05/2022 Tweet - "Today, I met with grassroots worker organizers to thank them for their leadership in organizing unions. From the Amazon Labor Union to IATSE at Titmouse Productions, these folks are inspiring a movement of workers across the country to fight for the pay and benefits they deserve."
04/30/2022 Tweet - "Through decades of organizing, negotiating, picketing, and protesting, labor unions secured vital workplace protections that union and non-union workers rely on today, and we are working to strengthen both unions and the workplace protections they provide."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "Every employee has the right to collectively bargain. Full stop."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "I am deeply troubled by reports of Kellogg's plans to permanently replace striking workers. Permanently replacing striking workers is an existential attack on the union and its members' jobs and livelihoods. I strongly support legislation that would ban that practice."
09/08/2021 Tweet - "Workers who join a union gain power -- power over the decisions and the decision-makers that affect their lives. Organizing, joining a union: that's democracy in action. I want to see Congress pass the PRO Act -- and send it to my desk immediately."
09/06/2021 Tweet - "The middle class built America -- and unions built the middle class. Everything that supports a middle-class life was made possible by unions. On Labor Day, we honor all those workers -- and their enduring movement -- that keep our economy moving and make our nation strong."
09/06/2021 Tweet - "The middle class built America, and unions built the middle class. This Labor Day, we honor all the workers, and their enduring movement, that keep our economy moving and are the heart, soul, and spine of this nation."
09/06/2021 Tweet - "Labor Day is about honoring the dignity of the American worker. And that's what our economic strategy is all about, too."
09/06/2021 Tweet - "I believe that given half a chance, there's not a single thing the American worker can't do. This Labor Day, let's celebrate the hardworking Americans who make this country great and recommit to ensuring they're treated with the dignity and respect they deserve."
08/09/2021 Tweet - "With the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, we're going to create good-paying, union jobs -- the kind of jobs that provide a middle class life with a little breathing room."
06/08/2021 Tweet - "Folks, Wall Street didn't build this country -- the great middle class built this country. And unions built the middle class."
05/25/2021 Tweet - "Across the country, we have failed to properly invest in infrastructure for half a century. The American Jobs Plan will get millions of Americans good-paying union jobs repairing our country's crumbling infrastructure. It's a blue-collar blueprint to rebuild America."
04/26/2021 Tweet - "I believe every worker should have a real opportunity to organize and collectively bargain. That's why today, I established a White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment -- helping empower workers to make the right choice for themselves and their families."
04/24/2021 Tweet - "The truth is I'm a union president, and I make no bones about that. I'm committed to strengthening our unions and rebuilding the backbone of this country -- the middle class. I sat down to talk with Louis about my plans to make it happen."
03/09/2021 Tweet - "I believe every worker deserves a free and fair choice to join a union -- and the PRO Act will bring us closer to that reality. I urge Congress to send it to my desk so we can summon a new wave of worker power and create an economy that works for everyone."
02/28/2021 Tweet - "Workers in Alabama -- and all across America -- are voting on whether to organize a union in their workplace. It's a vitally important choice -- one that should be made without intimidation or threats by employers. Every worker should have a free and fair choice to join a union."
02/04/2021 Tweet - "Every American deserves the dignity and respect that comes with the right to union organize and collectively bargain. The policy of our government is to encourage union organizing, and employers should ensure their workers have a free and fair choice to join a union."
12/19/2020 Tweet - "Together, we're going to tackle the threat of climate change head-on and create millions of good-paying, union jobs."
10/10/2020 Tweet - "What does building back better mean for you? - Millions of new, good-paying jobs - A $15 federal minimum wage - Stronger benefits and fair workplaces - An economy that works for everyone--not just the wealthy - The choice to join a union That's the future we can build together."
10/05/2020 Tweet - "As president, I'll do what I've always done in the past: bring people together. Peaceful protesters, police officers, unions, and civil rights groups -- we'll all sit down at the White House."
09/07/2020 Tweet - "The 40-hour workweek Minimum wage Overtime pay Health care Workplace safety protections They're all because of unions -- and it's time we recognize that."

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