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Joe Biden, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Veterans


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for President

Date Title
11/22/2022 Tweet - "The PACT Act -- the most significant expansion of benefits and services for toxic-exposed veterans in decades -- authorized 31 new clinical sites and provides @DeptVetAffairs tools and resources to ensure we can care for our service members when they come home."
08/10/2022 Tweet - "Today, we're one step closer to fulfilling our sacred obligation with the PACT Act, the most significant law our nation has passed to help millions of veterans who are exposed to toxic substances during their military services."
08/02/2022 Tweet - "The bipartisan PACT Act is the biggest expansion of benefits for service-connected health issues in 30 years. Millions of veterans who may have been exposed to harmful toxins will have quicker access to health care services and benefits. I look forward to signing this bill."
07/30/2022 Tweet - "I planned an unscheduled trip to Capitol Hill this afternoon to meet the families fighting to pass burn pits legislation. A positive COVID test got in the way, but I want to thank @SecVetAffairs for bringing pizza in my place and connecting me with the families via FaceTime."
06/09/2022 Tweet - "This week, I signed nine different bills with overwhelming bipartisan support to improve care for our veterans and honor their service and sacrifice. We must equip those that we send into harm's way and care for them and their families when they come home."
04/23/2022 Tweet - "The unemployment rate for veterans is 2.4%--tied for the lowest rate on record. There is still more work to do, but this historic progress is the result of rebuilding America's economy from the bottom up and the middle out."
03/07/2022 Tweet - "During my State of the Union last week, I announced a new unity agenda. Four big things that all of us -- Democrats, Republicans, and Independents -- can rally around: - Beating the opioid crisis - Better mental health care - Ending cancer as we know it - Supporting our veterans"
12/20/2021 Tweet - "Last week, I awarded the Medal of Honor to three outstanding soldiers. Their actions embody the highest ideals of selfless service."
09/26/2021 Tweet - "The families of our fallen men and women in uniform understand the true and painful price of freedom -- coping with loss and unspeakable grief. Today, on Gold Star Mother's and Family's Day, we recognize their enduring pain and honor their resilience."
03/29/2021 Tweet - "We have a sacred obligation to care for our nation's veterans and their families. The American Rescue Plan will help deliver on that obligation by ensuring access to VA health care and providing immediate economic relief."
03/29/2021 Tweet - "This Vietnam War Veterans Day, and every day, we remember the brave members of our armed forces who sacrificed so much in service of our nation. We owe them and their families more than we could ever repay."
03/24/2021 Tweet - "This morning, I signed the SAVE LIVES Act into law -- expanding the VA's authority and allowing them to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to all veterans, their spouses, and caregivers."
02/09/2021 Tweet - "The most sacred obligation our government has is to properly prepare and equip our troops when we send them into war -- and to care for them when they return home. I know @DenisMcDonough will work to fulfill that obligation every single day as our Secretary of Veterans Affairs."
12/15/2020 Tweet - ""I've given Denis a clear mission: fight like hell for our veterans and their families." -- President-elect Biden on Denis McDonough, Nominee for Secretary of Veterans Affairs"
11/11/2020 Tweet - "This Veterans Day, I feel the full weight of the honor and the responsibility that has been entrusted to me by the American people as the next president, and I vow to honor our country's sacred obligation."
11/11/2020 Tweet - "Together, as a nation, we pause to honor the service, the valor, and the commitment of all those who have worn the uniform of the Armed Forces of the United States. Those who have fought and sacrificed for our country are heroes who have earned our thanks and respect."
11/11/2020 Tweet - "Today, we honor the service of those who have worn the uniform of the Armed Forces of the United States. To our proud veterans--I will be a commander in chief who respects your sacrifice, understands your service, and will never betray the values you fought so bravely to defend."