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Joe Biden, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for President

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Date Title
09/09/2022 Tweet - "Since I took office, our economy has created nearly 10 million new jobs and 668,000 manufacturing jobs. Proof that "Made in America' is no longer just a slogan. It's a reality today--and it's just beginning."
09/08/2022 Tweet - "Nearly 10 million new jobs have been added to the economy, a record high at this point in a presidency. We've got 3.7 percent unemployment -- a near record low. A big reason for all this is the American Rescue Plan. And not a single Republican in Congress voted for it."
09/07/2022 Tweet - "We're going to build the future in America with American workers, in American factories, using American-made products."
09/02/2022 Tweet - "More great news: ✅ Our jobs market remains strong. ✅ Even more Americans are coming back to work. ✅ We're in the midst of an historic manufacturing boom with historic new factory announcements this week."
08/31/2022 Tweet - "We've come a long way. COVID no longer controls our lives, there are a record number of Americans working, businesses are growing, and our schools are open. Even in the face of unrelenting attacks from the most powerful special interests in the country, we got it done."
08/27/2022 Tweet - "All the talk about the deficit from the same folks that gave an unpaid-for $2 trillion tax cut to the wealthy and big corporations. It makes you laugh. Under my Administration, the deficit is on track to come down by more than $1 trillion this year."
08/26/2022 Tweet - "10 million jobs--more than ever created before at this point of a presidency. 3.5% unemployment rate--a near record low in the history of this country. More than 220 million Americans were vaccinated. Record small business creation. That's our economic record."
08/19/2022 Tweet - "We're seeing a stronger labor market where jobs are booming and more Americans are working than ever in history. That's what happens when you build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out--it gives everyone a chance to get ahead."
08/18/2022 Tweet - "Democrats voted to cut the deficit to fight inflation by having the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share. Every single Republican opposed requiring big corporations to pay a minimum tax of 15%, instead of some getting away with paying $0 in federal income taxes."
08/18/2022 Tweet - "Under the CHIPS and Science Act, we'll invest $52.7 billion to build microchips in America. And the Inflation Reduction Act invests $370 billion into solutions like tax credits to build solar panels and wind turbines at home. We're making in America again."
08/18/2022 Tweet - "The Inflation Reduction Act will cut the deficit and fight inflation. And we'll do it without raising taxes a single penny on families earning less than $400,000 a year."
08/15/2022 Tweet - " Since the start of my presidency, my economic plan has helped create 9.5 million jobs, reach a 50-year record low unemployment rate, and achieve zero percent inflation in July. And this week, I'll build on that progress by signing the Inflation Reduction Act into law."
08/14/2022 Tweet - "How do we make a historic investment in a clean energy economy while also lowering the deficit? We make those at the top pay their fair share. The Inflation Reduction Act does that."
08/10/2022 Tweet - "July's 0% inflation and last week's booming jobs report underscore the kind of economy we're building -- an economy that works for everyone."
08/09/2022 Tweet - "One of the ways we're giving working people a fighting chance is by making health care, prescriptions, energy, and so much more affordable and accessible through the Inflation Reduction Act."
08/02/2022 Tweet - "126 economists wrote that the Inflation Reduction Act would lower costs for families, set the stage for strong economic growth, and tackle the climate crisis. Send it to my desk."
07/31/2022 Tweet - "The Inflation Reduction Act will be the most important investment America has ever made in our energy security and developing clean energy solutions for the future."
07/31/2022 Tweet - "There's no doubt we expect growth to be slower than last year's rapid clip. But that's consistent with a transition to stable, steady growth with lower inflation."
07/30/2022 Tweet - "If the House passes the Inflation Reduction Act, we'll lock in place lower health care premiums for millions of families that are covered under the ACA. That means an average saving of $800 a year for 13 million people."
07/28/2022 Tweet - "After historic economic growth -- regaining all private sector jobs lost during the pandemic -- we knew the economy would slow down as the Fed acts on inflation. Our job market is strong, spending is up, and unemployment is down. We have the resilience to weather the transition."
07/28/2022 Tweet - "Let me be clear. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 would be the most significant legislation in history to tackle the climate crisis and to improve our energy security."
07/28/2022 Tweet - "The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 delivers on a promise that Washington has been making for decades to the American people. We are giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices."
07/28/2022 Tweet - "By making more semiconductors in the United States, the CHIPS and Science Act will increase domestic manufacturing and lower costs for families. I look forward to signing this bill into law and continuing to grow our economy for working families across the country."
07/27/2022 Tweet - "I took a moment today to watch the Senate pass the CHIPS and Science Act, a bipartisan bill that will accelerate semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S. It will lower prices, create jobs, and -- critically -- decrease our reliance on imported chips. The House should pass it ASAP.
07/26/2022 Tweet - "The CHIPS for America Act is about more than just semiconductors. It unlocks significant investments in American science and technology that will power our economy and national security for decades to come."

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