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Joe Biden, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: K-12 Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for President

Date Title
09/10/2021 Tweet - "This morning, the First Lady and I stopped by Brookland Middle School here in Washington, D.C. As students head back to school around the country, my Administration is committed to doing all we can to help keep them safe from COVID-19 in the classroom."
09/09/2021 Tweet - "Right now, local school officials are trying to keep children safe in a pandemic while their governor picks a fight with them and even threatens their salary and job. If they will not help us beat the pandemic, I will use my powers as president to get them out of the way."
03/26/2021 Tweet - "I set a goal to have the majority of K-8 schools reopened within my first 100 days. And I'm happy to report, we're on track to meet and exceed that goal."
02/12/2021 Tweet - "Before taking office, I set a goal of opening most K-8 schools by the end of my first 100 days. It's a national imperative--one that can only be achieved if Congress provides states and communities the resources they need to get it done safely through the American Rescue Plan."
01/31/2021 Tweet - "The sooner that we get our kids and educators back in the classroom, the sooner parents can go back to work -- but we need the funding to do it. My American Rescue Plan will deliver much-needed support to our nation's schools to help them reopen and operate safely."
01/14/2021 Tweet - "The President-elect's American Rescue Plan will: - Ramp up a national vaccine program - Safely reopen majority of K-8 schools in his first 100 days - Deliver immediate, direct relief to working families - Support hardest-hit communities & small businesses"
12/23/2020 Tweet - "A teacher will lead the Department of Education. Dr. Miguel Cardona will ensure that every student in the nation can get a high-quality education from pre-K to post-high school--regardless of their ZIP code, income, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability."