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Mitch McConnell, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

Date Title
09/27/2022 Tweet - "Liberal regulations and red tape make it way too hard to build things, create jobs, and unleash American energy. That's why Republicans lead on this issue. Democrats' phony fig leaf bill is not real "permitting reform" at all. It would actually make the problem even worse."
06/07/2022 Tweet - "Gas prices have doubled since this Administration took office. We need an all-American domestic energy strategy. But Democrats have a different plan: Less production and higher prices. And Americans are paying for it every day."
06/06/2022 Tweet - "Working families feel Democrats' inflation every day. Soaring grocery prices. Gas approaching or already above $5. Runaway heating bills last winter and electric bills coming next. Appliances, clothes, and furniture way up. Real wages falling because paychecks can't keep up."
03/08/2022 Tweet - "I strongly support America stopping purchasing Putin's oil. We must also recognize that the past year of bad policies from this anti-domestic-energy Administration will make this necessary step more painful than it had to be. Democrats must let Americans produce American energy."
02/18/2022 Tweet - "If Democrats actually wanted to help the American people afford gas, they wouldn't have spent an entire year waging on American energy. In one year under President Biden, America went from being a net oil exporter to setting a new record high in oil imports from Russia."
11/18/2021 Tweet - "Many Americans including many Kentuckians depend on natural gas to heat their homes. They are staring down the barrel of skyrocketing bills this winter. The Democrats' reckless spending spree would go to war against affordable American energy at the worst possible time."
11/16/2021 Tweet - "Gas prices and heating costs are soaring. Families are suffering. The Democrats' answer? More borrowing, printing, and spending on anti-energy policies that would dump money into supply chains that China controls. Make working Americans pay extra to Build Back Beijing."
09/16/2019 Tweet - "Iran's brazen attack on a Saudi Arabian oil facility cannot go unanswered. I hope our international partners will join us in imposing consequences on Tehran for this reckless attack."
11/14/2017 Tweet - "Soon the @EnergyGOP Committee under the leadership of Chairman @lisamurkowski will begin to markup legislation supporting our nation's #energy security. Further developing #Alaska's oil and gas potential in an environmentally responsible way."
11/09/2017 Tweet - "@EnergyGOP has unveiled legislation to generate a billion dollars of new revenue by further developing the oil and gas potential in #Alaska in an environmentally responsible way."