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Frank Lautenberg's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance


Date Title
05/25/2011 The Budget
02/28/2007 Letter to The Honorable Kent Conrad, Chairman Senate Budget Committee and The Honorable Judd Gregg, Ranking Member Senate Banking Committee
09/25/2006 Lautenberg: Last Chance for Congress to Close the Medicare "Donut Hole" Before Millions More Fall into RX Coverage Gap
08/02/2006 Lautenberg Files Amendment to GOP Estate Tax "Trifecta" Bill to Repeal Medicare Coverage Gap
07/31/2006 Lautenberg Introduces Legislation to Repeal Medicare Part D Coverage Gap
02/13/2006 Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act of 2005
01/18/2006 Senator Robert Menendez
06/23/2005 Senators Clinton, Lautenberg and Others Fight to Preserve Funding for States with High HIV/AIDS Populations
06/08/2005 Lautenberg Says Justice Dept. Tobacco Turnabout "Reeks" of Political Interference
05/17/2005 Lawmakers: Bush Continues to Refuse to Repay Treasury for Illegal Use of Taxpayer Dollars for Fake News Stories
04/28/2005 Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Stop Covert Propaganda by the Administration
04/14/2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005
02/16/2005 Hearing of Committee on Homeland Security - Transforming Government for the 21st Century
10/08/2004 Iraq
09/07/2004 GAO Finds Bush Medicare Official Illegally Withheld Information from Congress
07/09/2004 Priorities and Absences
06/22/2004 Congressional Leaders Call on President, Republican Leaders to Investigate Medicare Bill Allegations
05/10/2004 Letter to President George W. Bush
03/30/2004 Senator Lautenberg Releases 'Medigate' Report Highlighting Scandals and Misconduct Around New Medicare Law
03/24/2004 Letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft
03/18/2004 Letter to Comptroller General David M. Walker
03/15/2004 Letter to Heads of Television Networks
03/10/2004 GAO Report Criticizes HHS Medicare Flyer and Ads, Citing "Omissions," and Material That "Overstates" Rx Benefit and Has "Political Tone"
11/25/2003 CNBC The News with Brian Williams - Transcript