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Orrin Hatch's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion


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Date Title
04/26/2011 Planned Parenthood on the Ropes
01/24/2011 Hatch Statement on National March for Life
01/01/2011 Issue Position: Traditional Marriage and the Sanctity of Life
08/05/2010 Hatch, Coburn Introduce Bill To Exclude Abortion Coverage From Health Care Law
08/03/2010 Nomination Of Elena Kagan To Be Associate Justice Of The Supreme Court Of The United States - Continued
07/28/2010 Hatch, Senators Say Independent Report Confirms Health Law Doesn't Stop Taxpayer Funding Of Elective Abortion
07/12/2010 Op-Ed: The Case Gainst Confirmation
06/30/2010 Hatch Marks 30th Anniversary Of Harris V. McRae, Critical Pro-Life Supreme Court Decision Upholding Hyde Amendment
06/30/2010 Harris V. McRae
06/24/2010 Nomination Of Elena Kagan
03/18/2010 Hatch Says Anyone Arguing Senate Health Bill Doesn't Fund Abortion Is "Wrong"
03/17/2010 FOX News "On The Record With Greta Van Susteren" - Transcript
01/22/2010 Anniversary Of Roe V. Wade
12/23/2009 Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act Of 2009
12/23/2009 Majority Party Paying 'Let's Make A Deal' With Taxpayer Money To Pass Reid Bill
12/21/2009 Hatch: Time To Step Back And Start Over On Healthcare Reform
12/20/2009 Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act Of 2009
12/19/2009 Reid Health Bill Represents Everything That's Wrong With Washington
12/13/2009 Hatch Votes No On Large Appropriations Bill
12/08/2009 Servicemembers Home Ownership Tax Act
12/08/2009 Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act Of 2009 - Resumed
12/07/2009 Letter to The Honorable Harry Reid Majority Leader
11/21/2009 Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act Of 2009 - Motion To Proceed
11/21/2009 Hatch: Senate Health Bill Would Require American Taxpayers To Fund Abortions
11/19/2009 Hatch Blasts $2.5 Trillion Senate Health Bill

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