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Orrin Hatch's Public Statements on Issue: Government Operations


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Date Title
10/08/2018 Deseret News - Orrin Hatch: Kavanaugh's Confirmation -- a Victory for The Courts and The Nation
10/02/2018 Wall Street Journal - Brett Kavanaugh's Righteous Anger
09/28/2018 Des Moines Register - Hatch: Grassley Conducted Kavanaugh Confirmation Process Like a Gentleman
09/19/2018 Washington Examiner - Sen. Orrin Hatch: Monday's Brett Kavanaugh hearing is no one's first choice, but what Democrat tactics hath wrought
08/24/2018 National Review - Brett Kavanaugh and the Encroaching Administrative State
08/23/2018 Medium - Crying Wolf is the Left's Trademark Strategy
08/02/2018 USA Today - Democrats Have Gone 'Borking Mad' on Brett Kavanaugh: Sen. Orrin Hatch
07/20/2018 Daily Beast - Democrats Have Already Jumped the Shark on Judge Kavanaugh
07/09/2018 Washington Examiner - I Will Lift Heaven and Earth to Get Judge Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court
07/06/2018 Deseret News - Orrin Hatch: What to Expect When Trump Nominates a New Supreme Court Justice
06/28/2018 Time - Sen. Orrin Hatch: I Am Re-Committing to Civility
05/18/2018 The Wall Street Journal - Identity Politics Threatens the American Experiment
11/08/2017 Roll Call - Opinion: A Necessary Turning Point on Judicial Confirmations
06/28/2017 TIME - Sen. Orrin Hatch: I Am Re-Committing to Civility
06/06/2017 The Daily Signal - Key Steps to Restoring Accountability to the Federal Bureaucracy
04/06/2017 Time - Democrats Have Only Themselves to Blame for Rules Change
03/20/2017 The Salt Lake Tribune - Hatch: Gorsuch is qualified, and politics shouldn't stop him
03/10/2017 National Review - Neil Gorsuch Is the Impartial Judge Our Supreme Court Needs
02/27/2017 Daily Herald - Judge Gorsuch -- Utah's nominee for the Supreme Court
02/14/2017 RealClear Politics - Judge Gorsuch Is the Right Justice for America
01/31/2017 Salt Lake Tribune - Hatch: Like Scalia, Gorsuch has Shown Steady Devotion to Constitution
07/22/2015 CNN - Orrin Hatch: Why Fight Against Obamacare Isn't Over
12/08/2014 Politico - Don't Change the Filibuster Again
11/06/2014 Wall Street Journal - Wind-Power Tax Credits Need to Be Blown Away
08/01/2014 Washington Times - Destroying the Senate -- and Our Liberties

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