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Orrin Hatch's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication


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Date Title
01/16/2018 Hatch on the Importance of Maintaining Critical Intelligence Tools
11/20/2017 Hatch Statement on DOJ lawsuit to block AT&T-Time Warner Merger
10/03/2017 Hatch Statement on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai Confirmation
06/29/2017 Eshoo, Hatch, Markey, Brooks Introduce Legislation to Thwart Cyber Hacks
06/26/2017 Hatch Statement on DOJ Decision to Seek Review in Microsoft Warrant Case
05/23/2017 Hatch Speaks on ICPA (International Communication Privacy Act) Ahead of Judiciary Committee Hearing
05/11/2017 Hatch Applauds President Trump's Executive Order on Cybersecurity
03/10/2017 Hatch, Daines, Fischer Introduce Critical Rural Broadband Bill
02/28/2017 Hatch Statement on Academy of Arts and Sciences Commission Report
10/23/2016 Hatch Comments on Proposed Merger of AT&T and Time Warner
10/16/2016 Hatch Reacts to DOJ Request to Reopen Microsoft Data Case
09/12/2016 Senator Hatch's Statement on ICANN, Internet transition
08/15/2016 As Agency Cybersecurity Protections Fall Short, Hatch Presses for Meaningful Oversight
07/12/2016 Hatch Lauds Signing of EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
06/14/2016 Hatch Reacts to Federal Court's Net Neutrality Decision
04/20/2016 Hatch, Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force Hosts Q&A with Ted Olson on Apple Encryption Debate
02/10/2016 Senate Passes Hatch-Murphy Data Privacy Bill
10/20/2015 Hatch Statement on House Passage of Judicial Redress Act
10/06/2015 Hatch Statement on E.U. Safe Harbor Decision
07/29/2015 Senate, House Leaders Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Protect Trade Secrets
02/26/2015 Senator Hatch Reacts to FCC Vote Advancing Sweeping Net Neutrality Rules
02/26/2015 Hatch Reacts to Michelle Lee Confirmation
01/27/2015 Hatch Statement at Finance Hearing on President Obama's 2015 Trade Agenda
01/20/2015 Hatch Statement on President Obama's State of the Union Address
11/11/2014 Hatch Welcomes U.S. Progress on International Technology Trade Pact

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