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Orrin Hatch's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch


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10/09/2018 Tweet - "Republicans seize." Anyone who turned on their TV this last month saw a mob screaming at lawmakers, trying to prevent hearings from happening, storming barricades, yelling at law enforcement, and trying to bang down the doors of the Supreme Court."
10/09/2018 Tweet - "Scarborough: "Journalists in America have a lot to answer for" on coverage of Senate Democrats leaking Dr. Ford's letter. "Why couldn't they play this down the middle?"
10/08/2018 Tweet - "I know Brett Kavanaugh. I know him well. He is a man of great resilience and firm conviction. He is going to be a great justice, perhaps one of the greatest we've ever had."
10/08/2018 Deseret News - Orrin Hatch: Kavanaugh's Confirmation -- a Victory for The Courts and The Nation
10/08/2018 Tweet - "For nakedly partisan purposes, Democrats plumbed the depths of political depravity to try to prevent this confirmation from going forward. They sought not only to defeat Kavanaugh's nomination; they fought to destroy his good name Ultimately, they failed."
10/08/2018 Tweet - "Sexual assault victims should be able to decide for themselves when and whether their private experience is made public," Dr. Ford said. Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee had other plans."
10/07/2018 Tweet - "'Her name leaked out..' If the paper trail had consisted solely of Republicans instead of Democrats we would have seen hundreds of "how dare they" articles, meticulously outlining how the letter and identity had been leaked for political purposes."
10/07/2018 Tweet - "Any analysis of the Kavanaugh confirmation and the tactics that led us to this low point would be wholly incomplete without noting the way Democrats treated Dr. Ford's accusations and request for privacy, as stated eloquently by Senator Collins-->"
10/06/2018 Tweet - "Hats off to Chairman @ChuckGrassley and the @senjudiciary team for incredible work."
10/06/2018 Tweet - "Americans outside the beltway don't take kindly to the Washington smear machine, and a paid mob trying to prevent Senators from doing the will of their constituents. It's time to heal and to move on. But that doesn't mean we forget what happened here "
10/06/2018 Tweet - "The left (and the media's) effort to conflate Kavanaugh's temperament while defending his good name and his young family from character assassination with his well-documented, widely praised judicial temperament is utter nonsense."
10/06/2018 Tweet - "In the last two weeks, Republican Senators have had their private information shared online by a Democrat staffer during a hearing, putting their families lives in danger."
10/06/2018 Hatch Celebrates New Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
10/06/2018 Tweet - "Last month Democrats tried to prevent hearings from starting, threw out baseless innuendo, Spartacus, and even edited videos to misrepresent Kavanaugh's answers. And that was BEFORE they held allegations 6 weeks then leaked them to destroy a man's life"
10/06/2018 Tweet - "While the American people will not soon forget the unfair and unjust behavior that led us to one of the Senate's lowest points in decades, today we took an important step in overcoming the politics of personal destruction. #ConfirmedKavanaugh"
10/05/2018 Tweet - "Last night @ChuckGrassley asked the Ford legal team for therapist notes and polygraph info. In light of recently uncovered info he also asked for details of communication between the legal team and Democrat Senators Alleged witnesses Ford named"
10/05/2018 Tweet - "The credibility and the integrity of our institutions are at stake With our votes on Judge Kavanaugh we have an opportunity to either rebuke the Washington smear machine, or give it free reign over our system of government. #ConfirmKavanaugh"
10/05/2018 Tweet - "After Senator Collins incredible speech today, one of the best summaries of the entire case for confirming Kavanaugh came from @DavidAFrench. It's a must-read for those interested in the facts."
10/05/2018 Tweet - "Notable that they fail to address Chairman Grassley's most recent request for information about communication between the Ford legal team and Senators, particularly Feinstein and Hirono Witnesses, including Leland Keyser"
10/05/2018 Tweet - "As this process comes to a close, every American should consider reading Senator Collins' speech. It was the best analysis of Judge Kavanaugh's record we have heard, a thorough review of questions raised, and a powerful explanation as to why he is worthy of consideration."
10/05/2018 Tweet - "The Minority Leader is currently discussing the failed confirmation of Merrick Garland, reminding the world that their Kavanaugh smear has always been about politics and revenge, not Judge Kavanaugh."
10/05/2018 Tweet - "In light of this report in the Wall Street Journal and others like it, Chairman Grassley's request for details about communication between Dr. Ford's legal team and witnesses is absolutely critical. --> …"
10/05/2018 Tweet - "Who wouldn't be filled with anger after a certain ranking member received allegations him and refused to ask him in private meetings 30+ hours of hearings A closed hearing she didn't attend Instead opting to destroy him in the media."
10/05/2018 Tweet - "Those who were here for Bork, Thomas, Alito, all the way to their attempted filibuster of Justice Gorsuch just last year will have a hearty laugh at this."
10/04/2018 Tweet - "Who would have thought a forensic analysis of localized teenage yearbook jargon from the 1980s would blow up in the Democrats faces so poorly."

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