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Orrin Hatch's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch


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10/04/2018 Tweet - "Failure to confirm Brett Kavanaugh would be a stain on this institution. It would be a victory for no-holds-barred partisanship and the dirtiest form of politics we have ever seen. For the sake of the Senate, this confirmation cannot fail."
10/04/2018 Tweet - "HATCH after reviewing the supplemental FBI investigation files: "Given that no new information was brought to light, it is time to vote." #ConfirmKavanaugh"
10/04/2018 Hatch on the FBI's Supplemental Background Investigation
10/04/2018 Tweet - "It's fine to disagree with Judge Kavanaugh's judicial philosophy or take issue with any of his 300+ opinions from his time on the DC Circuit. But to accuse the FBI of a coverup because they didn't find anything new to support your smear is too far."
10/04/2018 Executive Session
10/04/2018 Tweet - "After weeks of nonstop attempted character assassination by Senate Democrats and their media allies, no one has been able to find any charge against Judge Kavanaugh that sticks. He is eminently qualified--unquestionably qualified--to serve. It's time to vote."
10/04/2018 Tweet - "If not for Senator Feinstein's egregious mishandling, this investigation could have started 7 weeks ago. Attacking the FBI's valuable efforts because Senate Democrats chose to keep information from them is a mistake."
10/04/2018 Tweet - "Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation will be a victory for the Senate as an institution, a reminder that the politics of personal destruction have no place here." #ConfirmKavanaugh"
10/04/2018 Tweet - "Who would have thought a forensic analysis of localized teenage yearbook jargon from the 1980s would blow up in the Democrats faces so poorly."
10/04/2018 Tweet - "MUST READ: Brett Kavanaugh in the @WSJ: I Am an Independent, Impartial Judge."
10/04/2018 Hatch Speaks in Support of Judge Kavanaugh at Press Conference
10/04/2018 Tweet - "Timely reminder: As Democrats try to move goalposts about the length and scope of the FBI's supplemental background investigation, note that one week ago they were calling for one with limits in length/ scope just like this."
10/03/2018 Tweet - "For the right, these last few weeks have not been [just] about Kavanaugh. They've been about an effort to expand the rules of engagement and establish new precedents only to prevent a conservative jurist from taking a seat on the Supreme Court bench."
10/03/2018 Tweet - "This will be one of the most meaningful votes of our lifetime. Will Senators vote for the politics of personal destruction, and the most reprehensible political stratagem in recent memory? Or will the vote to confirm an eminently qualified nominee?"
10/03/2018 Tweet - "Dr. Ford and her team have repeatedly cited her therapist notes and polygraph as evidence supporting her claims. Sharing them with the Washington Post but not with Senators is quite a double standard."
10/03/2018 Tweet - "Why would this be "awkward"? -42 year Senate veteran who has never had a drink but had powerful, lasting relationships with fellow Senators who drank considerably. Also, as much as the media may try, Kavanaugh is not defined by his high-school drinking"
10/03/2018 Tweet - "Must read: Last night's letter from @ChuckGrassley to Dr. Ford's legal team--> The Senate still has not received therapist notes or polygraph details, both of which were shared with the Washington Post and pointed to as evidence supporting Ford's account."
10/03/2018 Tweet - "SNL's main takeaway from the hearing was Kavanaugh saying "I like beer." "Sometimes I had too many beers" was a line from his testimony. Have not seen a straw man take this much punishment since the wicked witch of the west lit the scarecrow on fire."
10/03/2018 Tweet - "The Democrats want you to believe they have something new. (again) Spoiler alert: they don't. This is just the latest desperate attempt to smear Judge Kavanaugh. Senate Democrats should be ashamed of themselves.Senator Hatch Office added,"
10/03/2018 Tweet - "Whatever disputes we have on our own side, the thinking on the right now goes, we have to set them aside and stop a politics of personal destruction fueled by moral panic and an uncritical mainstream media that sees itself as an adjunct of the resistance"
10/03/2018 Tweet - "Valuable read from @profmjcleveland on the challenges Senators face as they evaluate Dr. Ford's changing story. (Thread)"
10/03/2018 Tweet - "So Democrats are back to innuendo and cloak and dagger attacks with information they've had access to for months. Kudos to Senators Coons and Klobuchar for not signing on to this pathetic last-ditch effort to scrape the very bottom of the barrel."
10/03/2018 Tweet - "For Democrats--who sought every opportunity to turn this process into a circus-- to then suggest Kavanaugh can't defend his hard-earned reputation over decades of service, even as his young family is getting death threats-- is the very definition of bad faith"
10/02/2018 Tweet - "Democrats and the media have come up empty on the blackouts, so now we're getting ice, ice, maybe instead. That's what happens when you're under pressure to find something, anything to derail a nominee.."
10/02/2018 Wall Street Journal - Brett Kavanaugh's Righteous Anger

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