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Orrin Hatch's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch


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Date Title
09/29/2018 Letter to the Hon. Christopher Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - Hatch Writes to FBI to Ensure Investigation Meets Designated Timeline
09/29/2018 Tweet - "Shorter Chairman @ChuckGrassley: the supplemental FBI investigation is for those with a good faith desire to get the truth, not a smear tool for #resistance Senators who had committed to oppose Judge Kavanaugh before he was even nominated."
09/29/2018 Tweet - "NEW: Hatch wrote to FBI Director Wray today to ensure the supplemental Kavanaugh investigation meets POTUS's designated timeline. Hatch requested that the FBI notify officials if any witnesses attempt to delay the investigation or decline to cooperate."
09/29/2018 Tweet - "Sen. Feinstein -- who is more to blame for this three-ring-fecal-festival than any other actor -- began her questioning of Kavanaugh by raising an allegation that he ran a rape gang. He responded angrily. And now she's offended by the partisanship? Please."
09/28/2018 Tweet - "While Democrats have suggested Kavanaugh's political views disqualify him from the American standard of innocent until proven guilty, the American people understand that there both process and corroboration are necessary Some key points after yesterday"
09/28/2018 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Opening Statement of Sen. Hatch, Markup on the Nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court
09/28/2018 Tweet - "Sen Feinstein did not leak the letter/ the existence of the letter to the intercept-- staff for other Democrats on the committee did. These excerpts make that clear They cared more about stopping Kavanaugh than protecting Dr. Ford's request for privacy …"
09/28/2018 Des Moines Register - Hatch: Grassley Conducted Kavanaugh Confirmation Process Like a Gentleman
09/28/2018 Hatch Statement on Kavanaugh Nomination Advancing
09/28/2018 Tweet - "If you're writing stories about how terrible yesterday's hearing was for the country-- without noting that yesterday ONLY happened because Democrats evaded *every* process protection that would have prevented it-- you are telling an egregiously incomplete story."
09/27/2018 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Opening Statement of Sen. Hatch, Hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Nomination to serve on the US Supreme Court
09/27/2018 Tweet - "Today's hearing begins: 11 days after Dr. Ford's story was published in the Washington Post 21 days after the closed hearing when Democrats should have asked confidentially about allegations 60 days after Senate Democrats were first informed of these allegations"
09/27/2018 Tweet - "HATCH in tonight's hearing: Porn Star Lawyers With Implausible Claims Are Driving the News Cycle."
09/27/2018 Tweet - "No matter the outcome, Democrats should be held responsible for circumventing the very process that protects people like Dr. Ford. Their decision to reveal this allegation at the most politically damaging moment reeks of opportunism."
09/27/2018 Tweet - "The circus atmosphere that has been created since my Democratic colleagues first leaked Dr. Ford's allegations to the media two weeks ago--after sitting on them for six weeks--has brought out the worst in our politics. It certainly has brought us no closer to the truth."
09/27/2018 Tweet - "Hatch: When was the first time that the Ranking Member or her staff asked you about these allegations? Judge Kavanaugh: Today."
09/27/2018 Tweet - "Therapist notes are very sensitive. However, some will ask why they were shared with the Washington Post but not with Senate investigators."
09/26/2018 Tweet - "Reminder: Dr Ford's lawyers haven't turned over the therapist notes or lie detector test results they shared with the Washington Post They have been cited as potential corroboration but we have no way of knowing if Judge Kavanaugh is referenced in either"
09/26/2018 Music Modernization Act
09/26/2018 Tweet - "One of the unfortunate results of the media frenzy Senate Democrats have created by taking allegations straight to media instead of through the process -- major outlets are still reporting on this accusation even though the accuser has recanted."
09/26/2018 Tweet - "MUST READ: Within 10 minutes of Michael Avenatti's first tweets on Sunday about Judge Kavanaugh, Senate Judiciary Committee staff reached out to obtain more information about his claims. This is the 6th email from Judiciary Committee staff seeking further evidence moments ago."
09/26/2018 Tweet - "Who Republicans are? Reminder: It was Senate Democrats who: Disregarded accusations for *6 weeks* only to weaponize them at a politically opportune moment Ignored Dr. Ford's request for privacy by leaking her name and letter to media #THREAD"
09/25/2018 Tweet - "One week ago today Dr Ford's lawyers wrote about Dr Fords anxiety at being "interrogated" by "two dozen U.S. Senators." Hard to see suggestions that Chairman Grassley should simply ignore that as anything other than political gamesmanship."
09/25/2018 Executive Calendar
09/25/2018 Tweet - "While 4 Senate Democrats were aware of the allegations printed in the New Yorker before it was printed, when Republicans reached out to investigate the claims they were directed to see her account in the New Yorker."

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