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Orrin Hatch's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking


Date Title
10/04/2017 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Hatch Opening Statement at KIDS Act Markup
09/06/2017 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Opening Statement of Sen. Orrin Hatch, Hearing on Executive Session to Consider Commerce, HHS Nominees
08/03/2017 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Opening Statement by Sen. Hatch, Hearing on Consideration of Various Nominations
02/16/2017 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Opening Statement by Sen. Hatch, Hearing to Consider the Nomination of Seema Verma to head the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
01/19/2017 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Opening Statement by Sen. Hatch, Confirmation Hearing for Treasury Secretary
01/19/2017 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Opening Statement by Sen. Hatch, Hearing to Consider the Nomination of Steven Mnuchin to head the U.S. Treasury Department
09/21/2016 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Opening Statement of Rep Hatch, Markup of Pension Bills
05/24/2016 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Chairman's Opening Statement on "Corporate Integration"
03/17/2016 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Finance - Opening Statement of Sen. Orrin Hatch - Hearing on Obamacare at Six Years
03/03/2016 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Finance - Opening Statement of Sen. Orrin Hatch - Hearing on Trade Agreement Implementation
03/01/2016 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Finance - Opening Statement of Sen. Orrin Hatch - Hearing Examining Multiemployer Pension Plans
02/23/2016 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Finance - Opening Statement of Sen. Orrin Hatch - Hearing to Examine the Opioid Epidemic
01/28/2016 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Opening Statement of Sen. Hatch, Hearing on Helping Americans Prepare for Retirement: Increasing Access, Participation and Coverage in Retirement Savings Plans
09/29/2015 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Opening Statement of Sen. Hatch, Hearing on Puero Rico's Debt Crisis
01/30/2014 Hearing of the Senate Finance Committee - Considering Treasury, Health & Human Services Nominations