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Patty Murray's Public Statements on Issue: Guns

Date Title
02/05/2021 Letter to Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - Menendez, Peters Lead Push for DHS to Enforce 'Lautenberg Amendment' to Keep Firearms Out of Hands of Domestic Abusers
04/02/2020 Letter to the Hon. Christopher Wray, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - Warren Joins Colleagues in Calling for Strengthening Background Checks, New Federal Guidance Amidst Surge in Gun Sales
02/27/2020 Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook - Durbin, Senators Blast Facebook's Continued Failure To Monitor And Enforce Gun Sales Ban
11/25/2019 Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman and CEO of Facebook - Senator Markey Demands Answers from Facebook on Gun-Permitting Scam by Company "Concealed Online"
03/06/2019 Letter to the Hon. Lindsey Graham, Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Menendez, Booker, Colleagues Urge Graham to Hold Hearings on Gun Violence Prevention Legislation
08/30/2018 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education - Abandon Proposals to Use Taxpayer Dollars to Arm Teachers
06/21/2018 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education - Take Action Now to Prevent Gun Violence by Promoting Safe Storage
06/11/2018 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education - On the Heels of Student-Led Weekend of Action Against Gun Violence in Washington State & Nationwide, Senator Murray Questions Secretary DeVos' Inaction, Lack of Public Input, and Contradictory Statements on Gun Safety Commission
03/16/2018 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education - Senator Murray Demands Answers From Education Sec. Betsy DeVos on New Gun Commission
02/27/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Murray Asks for Details of Department's Plan to Prioritize Gun Violence Research
10/11/2017 Letter to Dr. Francis S. Collins, National Institutes of Health - Warren, Murphy, Cortez Masto Lead Colleagues in Urging NIH to Renew Funding for Firearm Violence Research
11/24/2015 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Exective Action on Gun Control
11/24/2015 Letter to Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, and Mitch McConnell, Majority Leader - Scheduling Votes on the Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act
11/23/2015 Letter to The Honorable Barack Obama, President of the United States - Take Executive Action to Reduce Gun Violence
11/18/2015 Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Conducting a New Study on Programs Designed to Impact Gun Control
11/18/2015 Letter to Gene Dodaro, Comptroller of the United States - Gun Safety