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Patty Murray's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication

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07/30/2018 Tweet - "At a time when we are seeing community after community, and family after family being devastated by gun violence, it's unconscionable that the Trump administration would simply shrug off this potential threat."
07/19/2018 Tweet - "This week, the first House Republican signed on to the CRA resolution to restore #NetNeutrality. We have momentum, but we need to keep making our voices heard to protect the free & open internet--not just for today's consumers, but for the next generation of innovators."
06/13/2018 Tweet - "Thanks to WA's leadership, glad that our state's students, families & businesses will still have access to a free & open internet--but we must continue to raise our voices until @FCC restores #NetNeutrality protections for consumers across the nation."
06/11/2018 Tweet - "#NetNeutrality means consumers -- not big corporations-- choose what websites and applications we see online. Today, the @FCC's repeal of #NetNeutrality goes into effect, but the fight for a free and open internet continues in the People's House. #SaveTheInternet"
06/11/2018 Tweet - "It's the dawn of a new era in America, one without any net neutrality protections--unless you happen to live in Washington state." #NetNeutralty"
06/11/2018 Tweet - "This is a disappointing day for internet freedom & consumers, but our fight is not over--we must continue to raise our voices for #NetNeutrality & press @FCC to reverse this misguided move for families, students, & entrepreneurs."
06/11/2018 Tweet - "The internet doesn't belong to @AjitPaiFCC and @realDonaldTrump. And this fight isn't over--we must keep doing everything we can #SaveTheInternet."
05/17/2018 Tweet - "Restoring #NetNeutrality rules would help ensure that the next generation of students & innovators have access to the tools they need to pursue their education & follow their dreams. Yesterday's vote is a critical step toward that goal."
05/17/2018 Tweet - "People--not wealthy corporations--should have the final say on how they experience the internet. Proud of our work yesterday to protect #NetNeutrality, & urging our House friends to follow suit on behalf of small business owners & families across the country."
05/17/2018 Tweet - "Now that the Senate has listened to people & families who made their voices heard & voted to overturn @FCC's decision repealing #NetNeutrality, it is time for the House to help make these protections law."
05/16/2018 Tweet - "I'm heading to the Senate floor to urge my colleagues to vote to protect #NetNeutrality and lift up the voices of the families I represent in Washington state who, like so many other Americans, agree that the internet should be free and open. -PM"
05/16/2018 Tweet - "When it comes to voting to protect #NetNeutrality, the choice couldn't be easier. Either stand with everyday people--or with the massive corporations that have found a new way to make more money off of them."
05/16/2018 Tweet - "BREAKING: The Senate just voted to overturn the Trump Administration's repeal of #NetNeutrality. Our work isn't done though, and I'm urging my colleagues in the House to join us in standing with everyday people and families and get this done."
05/16/2018 Tweet - "Consumers--not broadband providers--should get to pick the websites they visit or applications they use. #NetNeutrality"
05/14/2018 Tweet - "Will be thinking of WA's small business owners & middle class families who benefit from a free & open Internet when we vote this week to overturn @FCC's misguided move on #NetNeutrality--hoping our Republican colleagues choose to stand w us, too."
05/14/2018 Tweet - "The Internet has become an indispensable resource for people across WA & our nation--& keeping it free and open is important to so many of our communities & economies. Proud to stand w @SenateDems as we vote this Wednesday to reverse @FCC's decision & restore #NetNeutrality."
05/14/2018 Tweet - "Our fight to keep the internet free & open isn't over--this week, @SenateDems will force a vote to overturn President Trump & @FCC's attempt to change the Internet as we know it. If you believe in #NetNeutrality, it's not too late make your voices heard."
05/12/2018 Tweet - "Next week, I'll be joining @SenateDems to force a vote on legislation that would overturn President Trump's FCC's move to scrap #NetNeutrality and help ensure a free and open internet for everyone."
05/12/2018 Tweet - "We'll be voting next week. We just need one more vote to get this done. #NetNeutrality"
05/09/2018 Tweet - "The internet doesn't belong to @AjitPaiFCC and @realDonaldTrump, it belongs to people. Keep making your voices heard to save #NetNeutrality. We just need #OneMoreVote."
05/09/2018 Tweet - "Preserving #NetNeutrality is a no-brainer when it comes to protecting consumers and their access to a free and open internet. We just need one more vote to get this done in the Senate."
05/09/2018 Tweet - "Today, I'm joining @SenateDems in officially filing the petition that allows us to force a vote on the Senate floor to save #NetNeutrality. With just #OneMoreVote from a Republican, we can get this done."
05/05/2018 Tweet - "Principles that have allowed the internet to flourish: consumer choice, innovation, economic opportunity, and the free flow of knowledge. Proud to join my Senate colleagues in the fight to protect #NetNeutrality"
03/07/2018 Tweet - "I've seen firsthand the ways teachers are using technology to find innovative ways to prepare students for 21st century jobs. Let's invest more in our students and teachers to make sure they have the resources and supplies they need. -PM"
02/28/2018 Tweet - "Yet again, WA is showing Congress how to make progress on behalf of families, students, small business owners-- and not corporate interests. I'll keep fighting in Congress to make #NetNeutrality a reality across the country."

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