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Patty Murray's Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch

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Date Title
01/27/2022 Tweet - "I look forward to working with @POTUS and my Senate colleagues to confirm the first Black woman to the Supreme Court as quickly as possible."
01/26/2022 Tweet - "Justice Breyer has led an exemplary & distinguished career in public service. I'm grateful to him for all that he has done for our country. I support @POTUS 's pledge to nominate the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. The Court should reflect the diversity of our country."
01/26/2022 Senator Murray Pushes for First Black Woman on Supreme Court Following Justice Breyer Retirement
01/19/2022 Tweet - "Everyone--no matter where you live or how much money you make--deserves access to abortion without barriers or political roadblocks. That's what #RoeVWade helps protect and it's what is at stake right now at the Supreme Court & in states across the country."
01/19/2022 Senator Murray Applauds Nomination of Civil Rights Lawyer Tiffany M. Cartwright to Federal Bench in Washington State
12/24/2021 Tweet - "This year, @POTUS nominated and Senate Democrats confirmed a record number of highly-qualified, diverse judicial nominees--including 4 District Court judges in Washington state, all of which I was proud to recommend for the job."
12/18/2021 Tweet - "Congratulations to Judge Kit Dimke on her confirmation as U.S. District Court judge in the Eastern District of Washington. I was proud to recommend her to @POTUS and am confident she'll continue her work of improving court access & ensuring our justice system works for everyone."
12/10/2021 Tweet - "Today's SCOTUS decision means that this law, which is in clear violation of #RoeVWade & 50 years of precedent & deprives patients in TX of their constitutional right to abortion, is still in effect. And that is completely unacceptable--we must pass #WHPA."
11/26/2021 Tweet - "Next week, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on Mississippi's dangerous abortion ban--one that is harmful and cruel to patients. This is a direct challenge to #RoeVWade, so we've got to keep speaking out & fighting to protect the right to abortion."
11/17/2021 Tweet - "It was my honor to introduce Judge John Chun at today's @JudiciaryDems hearing. Judge Chun is a Pacific Northwest native, father, and son of South Korean immigrants, and he has the experience necessary to serve on the federal bench in the Western District of Washington."
11/17/2021 Following Murray Recommendation, U.S. District Court Nominee Judge Chun Appears Before Committee
09/30/2021 Senators Cantwell, Murray Applaud Nomination of John Chun to Federal Bench in Washington State
09/20/2021 Senator Murray, Congressional Democrats Urge SCOTUS to Protect Reproductive Rights by Upholding Roe and Rejecting Mississippi's Blatantly Unconstitutional Law
09/16/2021 Senator Murray, Congressional Democrats Urge SCOTUS to Protect Reproductive Rights by Upholding Roe and Rejecting Mississippi's Blatantly Unconstitutional Law
09/14/2021 Senator Murray Hails Senate Confirmation of David Estudillo as U.S. District Court Judge
09/01/2021 Senator Murray Statement on the Texas Abortion Ban Going into Effect
07/26/2021 Following Recommendation from Senators Murray and Cantwell, President Biden Appoints Two Highly-Qualified, Historic Candidates for Washington State U.S. Attorney Positions
07/16/2021 Senator Murray Statement on Federal Judge Ruling DACA Unlawful, Blocking New Applications
07/15/2021 Senator Murray Applauds Judiciary Committee Vote Advancing Washington State Nominees
06/17/2021 Senator Murray Urges Democrats to Follow Supreme Court Victory on Health Care With Bold Action
09/18/2020 Senator Murray Statement on the Passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
07/08/2020 Senator Murray Responds to Supreme Court Ruling Undermining Access to Birth Control
07/07/2020 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of the Dept. of Health and Human Services - Murray, HELP Dems to Azar: Rescind Rule Undermining Health Care Protections, Including for LGBTQIA+ Patients, In Light of New SCOTUS Decision
07/07/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Murray, HELP Democrats Demand DeVos Reverse All Actions Inconsistent with SCOTUS Decision Affirming LGBTQIA+ Rights
07/01/2020 Senator Murray Statement on SCOTUS Ruling in Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue

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