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Patty Murray's Public Statements on Issue: Trade

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Date Title
10/20/2022 Letter to Katherine Tai, United States Trade Representative - Grassley Warns USTR That Investigating Mexico's Seasonal Commodity Trade Practices Could Backfire
03/15/2022 Letter to Hon. Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - U.S. Potato Export Agreement Must Be Honored, Expedited Write Bipartisan Leaders
02/08/2022 Letter to Hon. Katherine Tai, Ambassador of the Office of the United States Trade Representative - Tillis Calls on Biden Administration to Relaunch a Comprehensive Tariff Exclusion Process
02/07/2022 Letter to Hon. Katherine Tai, Ambassador of the Office of the United States Trade Representative - Portman, Carper Lead Senate Call for Administration to Relaunch a Comprehensive Tariff Exclusion Process
02/07/2022 Letter to Hon. Katherine Tai, Ambassador of the Office of the United States Trade Representative - Hagerty, Colleagues Call for Administration to Relaunch a Comprehensive Tariff Exclusion Process
08/03/2021 Letter to Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security - DelBene, Murray, Cantwell Call on Homeland Security Secretary to Grant Border Exemption for Point Roberts
06/09/2021 Letter to Hon. Katherine Tai, United States Trade Representative - DelBene, Larsen, Murray Call on Biden to Boost Washington Clean Energy Jobs, Manufacturing by Easing Trade Barriers on Solar Products
03/03/2021 Letter to Hon. Michael Khouri, Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission - Wyden Urges Investigation of Potential Violations by Ocean Carriers
03/02/2021 Letter to Hon. Michael Khouri, Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission - Feinstein, Thune, Klobuchar, Colleagues Urge Investigation of Potential Violations by Ocean Carriers
08/25/2020 Letter to The Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of The Dept. of Agriculture, and The Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - U.S. Senators Mike Crapo and Tina Smith Lead Bipartisan Group in Calling for Enforcement of Usmca Dairy Provisions
11/12/2019 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture - Durbin, Duckworth Urge Trump Administration To Improve Trade Assistance To Illinois Farmers
06/11/2019 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, U.S. Trade Representative - Members of Congress Push For Removal of Wine Tariffs
05/29/2019 Letter to Secretary Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Senators Raise Concerns that USDA Trade Aid will Continue to Benefit Foreign Corporations
03/14/2019 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - Murray, Cantwell, DelBene, Newhouse Call on Trump Administration to Save Washington State Jobs, Resolve Trade Dispute with China
03/05/2019 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - Cantwell, Newhouse Lead Washington Congressional Delegation to Call on Trump Administration to Remove Barriers, Open Japanese Markets for Washington Apples
02/18/2019 Letter to President Trump - Senator Hoeven Urges Administration to Press for Access to Chinese Market for U.S. Fresh Potato Exports
02/08/2019 Letter to the Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Bipartisan, Bicameral Leaders Promote U.S. Potato Industry in Ongoing China Trade Discussions
10/18/2018 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, US Trade Representative - Explain Latest Tariff Decision that Could Hurt American Businesses
09/21/2018 Letter to President Donald Trump - As Moses Lake Polysilicon Manufacturer Faces Closure, Murray, Cantwell, Newhouse, Reichert, Heck Again Urge President Trump to Resolve Trade Dispute with China
08/24/2018 Letter to the Hon. Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture - Cantwell, Reichert, Murray & Newhouse Call on Trump Administration to Provide Washington Cherries Relief from Retaliatory Tariffs
07/23/2018 Letter to President Donald Trump - TRADE: Citing the Devastating Impact of Polysilicon Tariffs on Moses Lake Jobs & Economy, Senators Murray, Cantwell and Representative Newhouse Urge President Trump to Resolve Growing Trade Dispute with China
06/14/2018 Letter to President Donald Trump - With Washington State Economy in the Crosshairs of Trump's Trade Wars, Senator Murray Cosponsors Amendment to Rein in President's Reckless Moves, and Pens New Letter to Trump Laying Out What's at Stake for Washington State
06/11/2018 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Reprentative - McMorris Rodgers Joins Letter with Washington Delegation Urging Administration to Address Tariff Retaliation
11/17/2017 Letter to the Honorable Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture, and the Honorable Robert Lighthizer, US Trade Representative - India's Unfair Trade Practices Affecting American Dry Pea Producers
07/14/2017 Letter to the Hon. Robert Lighthizer, United States Trade Representative - Cut Red Tape, Level Playing Field for Small Businesses Selling Overseas

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