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Patty Murray's Public Statements on Issue: Veterans

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Date Title
06/08/2005 Weekly Newsletter
05/10/2005 Senator Murray Supports Funding for America's Troops But is Troubled by Immigration Provisions and Lack of Veterans Funding in Emergency Supplemental
05/10/2005 Murray Statement on Supplemental Aid for Iraq and Afghanistan
05/10/2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief Act, 2005--Conference Report--Continued
04/28/2005 Concurrent Resolution of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2006 -- Conference Report
04/12/2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005
04/12/2005 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2005
03/16/2005 Congressional Budget for the United States Government for the Fiscal Year 2006
03/15/2005 Congressional Budget for the United States Government for the Fiscal Year 2006
03/14/2005 Congressional Budget for the United States Government for the Fiscal Year 2006
02/10/2005 Budget Impact on Veterans
02/03/2005 Hearing of Committee on Veterans' Affairs on Benefits for Survivors: Is America Fulfilling Lincoln's Charge to Care for the Families of Those Killed..
01/26/2005 Keeping America's Promises to Its Veterans
01/25/2005 Murray to Protect Veterans' Needs with Amendment to $80 Billion Supplemental
01/14/2005 Senator Murray Calls on President to Make Veterans' Healthcare a Priority
11/11/2004 Senator Murray Statement on Veterans Day
08/17/2004 Murray Stands up for Washington's Civilian Defense Workers
08/06/2004 Thank you for the wonderful campaign kickoff
08/05/2004 Kick Off Speech
06/23/2004 Murray Fights for Mandatory Funding for Veterans Health Care, Republicans Say No
06/18/2004 Veterans of Foreign Wars Names Senator Murray "Person of the Year"
04/30/2004 Patty Murray's Washington View
04/28/2004 Letter to President George W. Bush
04/22/2004 Letter to Senator Arlen Specter and Senator Bob Graham
04/19/2004 Letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony Principi

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