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Patty Murray's Public Statements on Issue: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

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10/13/2022 Tweet - "Same-sex couples should get the same benefits from VA that other veterans get. For too long that wasn't the case, so I led my colleagues in urging @DeptVetAffairs to fix that. Glad to see them take steps to right that wrong and do just that today."
09/23/2022 Tweet - "To the bisexual community across Washington state: I see you, I hear you, and I'm working every day in the U.S. Senate to make sure our nation lives up to its ideals of true equality for all. #BiVisibilityDay"
06/26/2022 Tweet - "The #Obergefell anniversary is tainted by the Supreme Court's threat to come after our rights--including the right for people to marry who they want. Today we celebrate--but we have to stay resolved in the fight to stand up for & defend our basic human rights that are now at risk."
06/26/2022 Tweet - "Happy #pride, Seattle! Wishing you all a safe, happy, and joyful pride together--and proud to fight alongside you for a more equal, more just country."
06/01/2022 Tweet - "Happy #Pride month, Washington state! From Seattle to Vancouver, there's so much to celebrate about our state's LGBTQ+ community. Know that I see you, support you, and will keep working to pursue full equality and acceptance while fighting back against cruel Republican attacks."
05/17/2022 Tweet - "Washington state's LGBTQ+ community deserves nothing but love and respect--free from fear or discrimination. I'm working to pass policies to help make our country more equal and protect our kids against cruel Republican attacks. #IDAHOBIT2022"
03/31/2022 Tweet - "To the trans community in Washington state and across the country: I see you. I am with you. I will fight with you in every way I can against the cruel attacks by extreme Republicans across the country. #TransDayOfVisibility"
03/28/2022 Tweet - "Extreme Republicans have passed a hateful, cruel law--but they won't succeed in erasing the identities of kids simply trying to live their lives. To LGBTQIA+ youth in Florida and nationwide--I hear you, I'm with you, and I'm going to fight for you however I can."
03/25/2022 Tweet - "We have a responsibility to speak up and make clear--trans youth deserve the same love and compassion as any other kid. The attacks kids are facing from extreme Republicans are cruel. They're wrong. And I'm going to push back to #ProtectTransKids."
03/16/2022 Tweet - "Trans kids don't deserve the harmful laws and rhetoric being thrown at them by extreme Republicans--they deserve the same love & opportunities as any other kid. I spoke with trans kids & their families about my determination to do everything we can to protect them.
03/04/2022 Tweet - "Extreme state Republicans are targeting trans youth with horrible, cruel laws that punish kids for being themselves. This is wrong on so many levels. That's why I will never stop working to #ProtectTransKids."
02/09/2022 Tweet - "What does this even mean? So a student with two moms can't mention their parents in class? Our country has real work ahead to help students recover academically from the last two years. Meanwhile, the GOP is pushing political bills that hurt LGBTQIA+ kids. Shameful."
12/12/2021 Tweet - "Right now, some same-sex individuals who lost their partner shortly after marriage or before legal marriage are being denied survivor retirement benefits. This is discrimination--full stop. I led 44 Democrats in urging the Biden Admin to fix this injustice for LGBTQIA+ people."
11/20/2021 Tweet - "Even in the year 2021, the transgender community continues to face cruelty, bigotry, & violent attacks On this #TransDayOfRemembrance, we remember all those lost due to violence & hate. We must stay focused on ensuring equal protection under law & full acceptance in our society."
12/19/2018 Tweet - "NEW REPORT: workers' willingness to speak up and push for change is making a difference across the spectrum of workplaces in our country, from corporate boardrooms to farm fields and hotel chains--but there is much more to do."
10/22/2018 Tweet - "This is awful. If this happens, I will stand with people in WA and across the country in supporting the transgender community by fighting this as hard as I can --PM #WontBeErased"
10/17/2018 Tweet - "Proud to stand with the LGBTQ community--in WA and nationwide--in our shared battle to build a more inclusive country where everyone is valued & has the opportunity to live full, free lives. Know now and in the fights ahead that you will always have a partner in me."
10/15/2018 Tweet - "Sec. @BetsyDeVosED's wants to weaken student protections so-- an unmarried mother may be denied admission, a woman could be thrown out for using birth control & an LGBTQ student could be subjected to cruel punishment at school. This is unacceptable."
10/11/2018 Tweet - "The fight for LGBTQ equality begins with finding pride in who you are. So inspired by everyone taking the first steps today to live in their truth, & know you will always have a partner in me as we continue working to dismantle the barriers facing too many. #NationalComingOutDay"
07/26/2018 Tweet - "One year ago today, people from WA & across the nation stood up & let @realDonaldTrump know his plan to ban transgender troops from our military was a non-starter--& we won't let him forget the sacrifice transgender troops make in service to our country. #TransBanTweetUp"
06/16/2018 Tweet - "No one in the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights was consulted before @BetsyDeVosED's rolled back guidance to enforce transgender students' civil rights. This is shameful and wrong."
06/15/2018 Tweet - ".@BetsyDeVosED's own employees told her that the discrimination transgender students face in schools can be a matter of life and death. Instead, she backed away from enforcing their civil rights."
06/12/2018 Tweet - "Proud to see WA students embrace equality & lead "Transgender people are not trying to cause a scene…nor are they trying to make people uncomfortable. The only goal they have is to go to the restroom without being noticed or judged -- like anyone else."
06/05/2018 Tweet - "Proud to see WA continue to stand with our LGBTQ family, friends, & neighbors in affirming that there's no tolerance for discrimination in our state:"
04/24/2018 Tweet - "Heading to the floor to oppose Kyle Duncan to serve on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals -- he's an ideological nominee with an awful track record working against women's rights, LGBTQ rights, and civil rights. -PM"

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