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Patty Murray's Public Statements on Issue: Higher Education

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Date Title
08/23/2022 Letter to Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Wyden, Colleagues Call on Biden Administration to Extend Public Service Loan Forgiveness Waiver Deadline
04/15/2022 Letter to Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Scott, Murray Push Biden Administration to Fix Longstanding Failures with Income-Driven Student Loan Repayment System
03/31/2022 Letter to Dr. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education, Merrick Garland, Attorney General of the United States - Menendez, Booker, Colleagues Call on Department of Education, DOJ to Follow Through on Pledge to Improve Handling of Student Debt Bankruptcy Claims
02/02/2022 Letter to Hon. Merrick Garland, Attorney General - Bicameral Education Committee Leaders Request DOJ Update on Recent HBCU Bomb Threats
12/07/2021 Letter to Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Booker, Krishnamoorthi Lead Colleagues in Calling on U.S. Department of Education to Facilitate Student Civic Engagement in Institutions of Higher Education
12/06/2021 Letter to Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Warner, Kaine & Colleagues Call on U.S. Department of Education to Facilitate Student Civic Engagement in Higher Education Institutions
07/09/2021 Letter to Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Senatory Murray Urges Education Department to Expand Debt Relief for Student Loan Borrowers
07/08/2021 Letter to Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Senator Hassan, Colleagues Urge Education Department to Expand Debt Relief for Student Loan Borrowers
07/01/2021 Letter to Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Senator Murray Urges Education Department to Expand Debt Relief for Student Loan Borrowers
06/30/2021 Letter to President Joseph R. Biden - Murray, Scott Urge Biden Administration to Extend Student Loan Payment Pause
04/16/2021 Letter to Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Senator Murray Urges Department of Education to Help Schools Address AAPI Discrimination and Harassment
10/28/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Durbin, Murray, Blumenthal, Warren, Brown Continue To Push DeVos To Provide Debt Relief To Defrauded Student Borrowers
10/21/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept, of Education - King Fights for Federal Student Loan Borrowers to Access "Critical Relief" from Coronavirus Bills
07/13/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Congressional Education Leaders to DeVos: Stop Robbing Vulnerable Students of Emergency Aid
07/09/2020 Letter to Matthew Albence, Acting Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security - House and Senate Democrats Urge ICE and DHS to Immediately Withdraw New Guidance that Threatens International Students with Deportation
07/09/2020 Letter to Matthew T. Albence, Deputy Director of the US. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Chad F. Wolf, Acting Secreatry of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Pressley, Lawmakers Urge ICE and DHS to Immediately Withdraw New Guidance that Threatens International Students with Deportation
06/16/2020 Letter to the Hon. Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Department of the Treasury, and the Hon. Betsy Devos, Secretary of Education - Wyden, Murray Push Trump Administration to Ensure All Eligible Students and Families Receive Economic Impact Payments
06/03/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Murray, Democratic Senators Urge DeVos to Rescind Harmful Title IX Rule and Focus on Student Safety
05/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Kathleen Kraninger, Dir. of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - Brown, Murray, Colleagues Demand Answers from CFPB Director on Agency's Oversight Plans for the Student Loan Market
05/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Murray, DeLauro Slam DeVos' Unauthorized Decision Squandering CARES Funds Reserved for Institutions Hardest Hit by COVID-19
05/20/2020 Letter to Alex Azar, Secretary of the Dept. of Health and Human Services - Scott, Murray Call On Secretary Azar To Help Displaced College Students Maintain Health Insurance During Pandemic
05/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of the Dept. of Health and Human Services - Scott, Murray Call on Secretary Azar to Help Displaced College Students Maintain Health Insurance During Pandemic
05/04/2020 Letter to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos - House, Senate Democrats Warn DeVos Against Changing Distance Education Rules Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
05/01/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Murray, DeLauro Urge DeVos to Reverse Unauthorized Guidance Excluding 7.5 Million Students From Emergency Financial Aid
03/27/2020 Letter to the Hon. Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Dept. of Education - Scott, Neal, Wyden, Murray, Sánchez Call On DeVos To Return All Amounts Garnished From Federal Tax Refunds For Entire 2020 Filing Season

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