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Mark Warner's Public Statements on Issue: Trade

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Date Title
01/11/2024 Statement of U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner on On the nomination of Nelson Cunningham as Deputy United States Trade Representative
12/07/2023 Warner, Rounds, Reed, Romney Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Enforce Sanctions on Terrorist Organizations Like Hamas
11/15/2023 Bipartisan Senators Urge CBP to Stop Imports of Clothing Made with Forced Labor By Ramping Up Oversight and Enforcement of Supply Chains
09/08/2023 Warner and Kaine on Agreement to Allow Exportation of Virginia Turkey to India
08/06/2020 Sen. Menendez, Rep. Pascrell Introduce Bill to Establish Independent Oversight, Increase Accountability, Transparency at Chief US Trade Agency
03/22/2019 To the Hon. Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce - King Leads Bipartisan Effort Seeking Answers on Possible Tariffs for Foreign Autos
09/18/2018 Rubio, Van Hollen, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Enforce Commerce Deal with Chinese Telecom Firm ZTE
07/11/2018 Senate Votes to Reassert Congressional Role in Tariff Oversight
06/06/2018 Corker, Toomey-Led Legislation Would Restore Congressional Oversight of National Security-Designated Tariffs
04/18/2018 Warner & Kaine: Escalating Trump Trade War Would Hurt Va. Soybean Production, Jeopardize Jobs
04/12/2018 Warner, Kaine Urge Trump Administration to Protect Agriculture Industry in NAFTA Negotiations
04/05/2018 Warner & Kaine Statement on Threat President Trump's Trade War Would Pose to Virginia Farmers & Families
02/02/2017 Warner Sponsors Bill to Expand Agricultural Exports to Cuba
03/19/2015 Kirk, Heitkamp Introduce Bipartisan Export-Import Bank Reform and Reauthorization
09/04/2014 Warner, Kirk, Kinzinger & Keating Applaud French Decision to Place Delivery of Warships to Russia on Hold
07/31/2014 Warner, Kaine Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank
07/30/2014 Manchin, Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Legislation to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank
07/25/2014 Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Fight Deceptive Labeling of Imported Crab Meat
07/10/2014 Sen. Mark Warner Applauds India Budget Reforms
05/05/2014 Warner, Kaine Praise Lifting Of China's Ban On Virginia Poultry
08/02/2012 Sen. Warner Leads Bipartisan Manufacturing Jobs Initiative
07/25/2012 Webb, Warner Cosponsor New Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Offshore Leasing
01/11/2012 Warner Pushes 'Onshoring' of Jobs, Investment During Trip to India
12/22/2011 Hagan Joins Bipartisan Group of Senators Urging USTR Kirk to Fight for U.S. Poultry Producers in India
10/13/2011 Yes to Free Trade Deals

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