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Mark Warner's Public Statements on Issue: Foreign Aid

Date Title
11/07/2022 Tweet - "Folks in Richmond rallied to send a fully stocked ambulance to Ukraine to provided critically needed medical supplies. Glad to be there for a very inspiring event -- see some great photos here!"
11/04/2022 Tweet - "Spent the morning with the Richmond Ambulance Authority as they get ready to ship this fully stocked ambulance to Ukraine. All across Virginia, folks are working to meaningfully support Ukrainians in their fight for freedom, and I'll keep doing everything I can in the Senate."
11/03/2022 Tweet - "It's welcome news that Russia has been brought back to the table on the Black Sea Grain Initiative. I'll continue to stand with Ukraine against Russia's invasion, and in support of efforts like this, which has exported 9mil+ metric tons of food to help address global food prices."
09/13/2022 Tweet - "Folks, Ukraine's military is currently deploying a promising counteroffensive and regaining territory. International aid has clearly made a significant difference in supporting Ukrainians in their fight."
05/16/2022 Tweet - "It's disappointing that some of my colleagues obstructed critical humanitarian and military aid to Ukraine last week. We need to get them every tool possible as they fend off this attack. I am ready to get aid passed as soon as we can."
05/11/2022 Tweet - "Passing aid to support Ukraine from a humanitarian and security perspective is the right thing to do. I'm fighting to get this done to protect Ukrainian lives, support an end to this conflict, address the growing food crisis, and ease global supply chain snares."
05/08/2022 Tweet - "Ukrainians need all the help they can get as they continue to fend off Russia's attacks. As we work to pass our aid package, I'm pushing for $5 billion in food assistance for NGOs that have been working day in and day out to feed the people who need it most."
04/21/2022 Tweet - "Glad to see the Biden administration roll out a full plan to assist Ukrainian refugees relocating in the United States."
04/15/2022 Tweet - "Glad to see the Biden admin extend TPS protection to Cameroon after my advocacy -- this TPS designation will ensure that Cameroonians already living in the U.S. are not forced to return to return to a nation torn by unrelenting violence."
03/15/2022 Tweet - "Glad to see several Virginia-based businesses pull out of Russia and donate to humanitarian aid in Ukraine. We have unity in Congress and among businesses that we must economically isolate Russia -- Virginians stand with Ukraine."
03/14/2022 Tweet - "Last Friday, I got to visit a processing center for Afghan refugees in Leesburg. I feel confident this facility will work well for both refugees and community members, and I'm grateful to all those working hard to welcome our allies."
03/11/2022 Tweet - "I was incredibly moved to meet with Afghan families today through our Operation Allies Welcome project in Virginia. Virginia stands with refugees, and I commend all the brave folks here and all those working to welcome them."
03/08/2022 Tweet - "I'm pushing for us to stop passing stopgap measures and instead pass a full spending bill that includes aid to Ukraine as soon as possible."
03/05/2022 Tweet - "The treatment of refugees matters to me. That's why I'm pushing for more equitable treatment for all those leaving Ukraine."
03/04/2022 Tweet - "Our advocacy worked: yesterday, @DHSgov said they would grant Temporary Protected Status to Ukrainians living in the US -- meaning they can't be deported back to a war-torn country. This was the right move."
03/03/2022 Tweet - "Glad to see the Biden administration grant TPS to Ukrainians living in the United States after our bipartisan advocacy -- it would be unconscionable to deport Ukrainians during this time, and it's one step we can take to meaningfully stand with Ukraine."
03/03/2022 Tweet - "The civilian death toll rises daily in Ukraine -- we cannot send any Ukrainian immigrants in the U.S. back home during this conflict. The Biden admin should act now to extend Temporary Protected Status for Ukrainians in the U.S."
03/02/2022 Tweet - "Congress should pass a law to support humanitarian assistance and provide more weapons to Ukraine. These are bipartisan priorities. Let's get it done."
03/01/2022 Tweet - "The U.S. cannot in good faith send any Ukrainian immigrants back home -- that's why I'm joining with my colleagues to advocate that the Biden admin extend Temporary Protected Status to Ukrainian nationals in the U.S."
02/28/2022 Tweet - "I'm proud to be signing on to this letter. Virginia stands with Ukrainians."
02/08/2022 Tweet - "This is big news -- so many contributed to these efforts and I'm proud we were able to conclude the resettlement of Afghan refugees living in Virginia."
02/02/2022 Tweet - "Excellent news! The final Afghan refugees living at military bases in Virginia have been successfully resettled! Extending my greatest thanks to all the many individuals and organizations involved. We'll keep supporting our Afghan allies at a federal level."
01/17/2022 Tweet - "Next up on our day of service: meeting with my friend @USAmbUN & @LIRSorg to discuss Afghan resettlement efforts, meet with refugees, and sort some newly donated goods -- I'm proud that VA is leading resettlement efforts thanks to incredible orgs like LIRS."
12/01/2021 Tweet - "On #WorldAIDSDay, I'm thinking about all those affected by HIV and AIDS, and the incredible advocates and health care workers that have combatted this disease."