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Hillary Clinton's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

Date Title
10/03/2008 Clinton & Waters Hail Congressional Approval of Their Resolution to Honor 10th Anniversary of Minority AIDS Initiative
09/26/2008 Senator Clinton and Congresswoman Waters Commemorate 10th Anniversary of Minority AIDS Initiative
09/16/2008 Senator Clinton and Congresswoman Lee Introduce Resolution Calling for a National AIDS Strategy
09/06/2008 Sen. Clinton Rallies Voters With McMahon in Run- Up to Tuesday's Primary
08/03/2008 Senator Clinton: New HIV Estimates Underscore Need to Improve Response, Increase Prevention Efforts
07/23/2008 Senate, House Members Release Results of GAO Report on Long-Term Care Insurance
06/26/2008 Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Congresswoman Barbara Lee Introduce Resolution Recognizing National HIV Testing Day
03/14/2008 Smith and Clinton Access to HIV Treatment Bill Approved by Senate
03/14/2008 Clinton Applauds Passage of Senate Budget Resolution
12/30/2007 Hillary Clinton's Plan to Help Families Balance their Responsibilities to Parents and Children
12/19/2007 Former DNC Chairman Don Fowler Endorses Clinton
12/14/2007 Hillary Clinton Statement on Legislation Requiring the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to Make Public All Nursing Homes Designated as...
06/22/2007 Senators Kennedy, Hatch, Clinton, Enzi Announce FDA Biologics Agreement
06/08/2007 Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Create Nationwide System of Background Checks for Long-Term Care Workers
06/06/2007 Senator Clinton Introduces Legislation to Improve Healthcare Quality
05/18/2007 Smith and Clinton Amendment to Assist Individuals with HIV Passes in Final Budget
05/18/2007 Smith and Clinton Amendment to Assist Individuals With HIV Passes in Final Budget
05/07/2007 Senator Clinton Announces Comparative Effectiveness Legislation
05/04/2007 Senator Clinton Announces Comparative Effectiveness Legislation
03/26/2007 Senator Clinton Calls for GAO Investigation of Impact of Widespread Insurance Claims Denials for Long Term Care
03/23/2007 Clinton Secures Passage of Measure to Improve Healthcare Quality
03/22/2007 Smith and Clinton Offer Amendment to Assist Individuals with HIV