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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Elections


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

Date Title
10/04/2022 Tweet - "Our democracy works best when all citizens can participate in elections. I was proud to help lead this bipartisan bill's passage through the Senate with @SenatorLujan and Senator @RoyBlunt ."
09/27/2022 Tweet - "At today's Rules Committee markup, we implemented key bipartisan improvements to strengthen the Electoral Count Reform Act and help protect our presidential elections. The legislation passed our Committee 14-1. Next stop, the Senate floor! My opening statement from the markup:"
08/03/2022 Tweet - "We are working to fix the Electoral Count Act and make sure that electoral votes for president accurately reflect each state's results. As Chair of the Rules Committee, I am holding a hearing on how to best reform this antiquated law."
06/23/2022 Tweet - "Protecting our democracy means protecting our election workers. It's that simple."
06/20/2022 Tweet - "The rise in threats against election workers is unacceptable and raises concerns about recruiting & retaining election workers needed to administer future elections. @SenatorDurbin and I are working to address these concerns to keep our democracy strong."
05/23/2022 Tweet - "With voting already underway, we've heard of many challenges facing election administrators. Thank you to @RoyBlunt for joining me to hold a Rules Committee hearing on what we can do to support election officials working on the frontlines of our democracy."
04/07/2022 Tweet - ". @RoyBlunt & I know that our democracy depends on election workers getting adequate support to administer elections. That's why we're pushing the Election Assistance Committee to provide an update on its efforts to prepare for the midterms."
04/06/2022 Tweet - "Glad that @EACgov is getting these important resources to our election officials -- their safety is crucial to our democracy."
01/08/2022 Tweet - "Attacks on our democracy demand a federal response. Our own Founding Fathers anticipated that this might be necessary, because right in the Constitution it says that Congress can "make or alter the laws regarding federal elections." It's clear as can be."
12/16/2021 Tweet - "Article I Section 4 of the Constitution empowers Congress to make or alter rules for federal elections at any time. I believe this provision was designed to help us in times like these. In times when we're seeing an assault on elections."
12/14/2021 Tweet - "Following the 2020 elections in which more Americans voted than ever before, we have seen unprecedented attacks on our democracy in states across the country. These attacks demand an immediate response. The first step? Passing the Freedom to Vote Act."
06/27/2019 Tweet - "Good news: today the House passed my election security bill to require paper ballots, post-election audits, and give states more than a billion dollars to update election equipment. Now the Senate needs to act -- we need a vote on election security now."
06/04/2019 Tweet - "It's going to be hard to get anything done if we don't get dark money out of our politics. We must take back our democracy and overturn Citizens United!"