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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Drugs


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

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09/22/2022 Tweet - "We need to continue to hold these opioid companies accountable for the harm they caused. At the federal level, I'll keep working to ensure Congress is doing everything possible to bring the opioid epidemic to an end."
08/29/2022 Tweet - "For too long, Americans have paid the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. Now that the Inflation Reduction Act is law, help is on the way."
08/11/2022 Tweet - "After a long weekend in Washington, it was great to join @AARPMN to talk about the huge progress we just made to lower prescription drug costs"
08/06/2022 Tweet - "Tonight, I'm staying up late for the millions of Americans who lose sleep worrying about how they're going to pay for their prescriptions. Let's get this done."
07/29/2022 Tweet - "Great to have AARP in the fight to bring down the cost of prescription drugs. We will unleash the power of 46 million seniors by empowering Medicare to negotiate lower prices for consumers. This is our moment. We are going to win this."
07/22/2022 Tweet - "TUNE IN for my conversation on drug pricing:"
07/08/2022 Tweet - "Medicare should be able to negotiate prescription drug prices. Full stop."
06/15/2022 Tweet - "The prices of 2 blood thinners millions of Americans depend on have increased every year since they entered the market. This pattern's concerning to @RepKatiePorter & me -- so we've asked the @FTC & @TheJusticeDept to ensure these pricing practices don't violate antitrust laws."
05/31/2022 Tweet - "We should cap the price of insulin at $35/month."
04/27/2022 Tweet - "Absolutely, @SenatorWarnock . People should be able to get the prescription drugs they need at prices they can afford. Thank you for your leadership on the Affordable Insulin Now Act -- I'm proud to stand with you in this fight."
04/26/2022 Tweet - "Now is the time to lower drug prices and help so many people -- from seniors who worry about the cost of their prescriptions to diabetics who rely on insulin. @SenCortezMasto , @JoAnn_Jenkins , @P4AD & I came together to make it clear: we will not back down."
04/24/2022 Tweet - "Making insulin affordable shouldn't be controversial. It's just the right thing to do."
04/17/2022 Tweet - "I couldn't agree more, @SenDuckworth . Minnesotans continue to feel this burden as well, and it's unacceptable. We must cap the price of insulin."
04/14/2022 Tweet - "A good time for Congress to take action to lower the cost of prescription drugs? Right about now."
04/10/2022 Tweet - "I hear from Minnesotans all the time about the impossible choices they have to make--refill a prescription or pay the water bill? Get insulin or buy groceries? No one should be forced to make these decisions. Congress must take action to lower prescription drug costs."
04/02/2022 Tweet - "Thank you, @RepAngieCraig , for your important work on this bill. I'm proud to cosponsor it in the Senate and am ready to work to get it passed! Let's get it done."
04/02/2022 Tweet - "Still true!"
04/01/2022 Tweet - "We must cap the price of insulin at $35 per month."
03/29/2022 Tweet - "Capping the cost of insulin at $35 per month just makes sense."
03/28/2022 Tweet - "A friendly reminder that the fight to lower prescription drug costs continues."
03/23/2022 Tweet - "Americans should not have to choose between risking their lives or financial ruin because of the unaffordable costs of long available drugs like insulin -- especially as drug manufacturers increase their revenues from insulin sales."
03/19/2022 Tweet - "A system that allows Americans to pay 250% more for prescription drugs than people in other industrialized nations is just not a system that's working for the American people."
03/17/2022 Tweet - "Americans pay more for prescription drugs than any other developed country. That is unacceptable. I will never stop fighting to lower prescription drug costs."
03/15/2022 Tweet - "I'm proud to support capping the price of insulin at $35. Who's with me?"
03/10/2022 Tweet - "Remember Joshua from the State of the Union? We need to cap insulin costs at $35 for him."

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