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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Education


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

Date Title
02/11/2022 Durbin, Colleagues Introduce Legislation To Retain International Graduates With Advanced STEM Degrees
02/03/2022 Letter to Hon. Patricia Murray, Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, and Hon. Richard Burr, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions - Klobuchar, Cassidy, Colleagues Urge Action to Address Hazing on College Campuses
08/05/2020 Hirono, Gillibrand, Smith, and Colleagues Introduce Impact Aid Infrastructure Act to Boost School Infrastructure Projects
03/05/2020 U.S. Senators Klobuchar & Smith Announce Grants Totaling More Than $2 Million to Bemidji State University and St. Cloud State University
12/06/2019 Klobuchar, Smith Laud Senate Passage of Bipartisan Legislation to Simplify the FAFSA, Improve Access to Affordable Student Loan Repayment Plans, and Support Tribal Colleges and Other Minority-Serving Institutions
07/11/2019 Murphy, Hayes introduce legislation to address college hunger crisis
06/07/2019 Klobuchar Introduces Legislation to Help International Students Pursuing STEM Careers in the United States
06/06/2019 Durbin, Blumenthal, Harris, Klobuchar: Keep International Student Talent In America
04/16/2019 Klobuchar, Smith Introduce Bill to Make Important Investments in High-Need Schools and Special Education in Minnesota, Across Nation
03/08/2019 Casey, Colleagues Introduce Legislation To Prevent Hazing On College Campuses
12/20/2018 Moulton Introduces Bill to Expand National Service Opportunities for Young Americans and Make College More Affordable
06/27/2018 Klobuchar, Sasse Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Help Equip American Workers with the Skills and Training they Need to Compete in Today's Economy
06/26/2018 Klobuchar Introduces Legislation to Expand Career and Technical Education Research and Outreach
12/13/2017 Donnelly, Johnson, Klobuchar Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Empower Student Borrowers
03/10/2016 Klobuchar-Sponsored Bipartisan Legislation To Combat Prescription Drug Abuse Passes Senate
02/12/2013 Klobuchar Statement on State of the Union Address
06/16/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Commerce, Science And Transportation Committee - Nominations
06/10/2009 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - The Continued Importance of the Violence Against Women Act
03/18/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Commerce, Science And Transportation Committee - Nomination of Gary F. Locke to be Secretary of Commerce
12/04/2007 Press Conference with Senator Joseph Lieberman; Senator Amy Klobuchar; Rep. Betty McCollum - 12th Annual Mediawise Video and Computer Game Report Card
07/24/2007 Senator Klobuchar Votes In Support of Higher Education Act
05/16/2007 Hearing: Joint Economic Committee-"Are the Explosive Costs of Elder Care Hurting Family Finances and Business Competition?"