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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Guns


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

Date Title
07/19/2022 Tweet - "As the Hennepin County Attorney, I saw firsthand the connection between domestic abuse and gun violence. I decided then that something had to be done. And when I got to the Senate, I was determined to take action."
07/18/2022 Tweet - "This is Caitlyne. On May 24, she climbed out a window to escape the shooting in Uvalde. She came to DC with pictures of her friends who died to urge lawmakers to ban assault weapons. I promised her that we'll keep fighting--for her, her friends, & all Americans."
07/13/2022 Tweet - "Important words from a Uvalde dad: "She is scared to go to school--she is scared. This is America. They shouldn't feel scared. When I was going to school, I was scared that I wasn't going to make the grade--not that I was going to get killed. Something has to get done.""
07/12/2022 Tweet - "Today I met with survivors and advocates from Highland Park and Uvalde about the urgent need to reinstate a ban on assault weapons. Their strength is an inspiration. We must get this done."
07/07/2022 Tweet - "Just stop selling--and making money off of--assault weapons. Full stop. The killer in Highland Park had a lot of guns. He brought the one that would kill the most people."
06/29/2022 Tweet - "For nearly a decade, I've been fighting to close the boyfriend loophole. I talked with @people about how this reform will save lives -- and why I believe this is just the beginning of meaningful change."
06/25/2022 Tweet - "Was great to be in Hennepin County with domestic violence prevention advocates discussing the Senate's historic vote to make progress in closing the boyfriend loophole. I've been fighting for this for many years. Onward!"
06/16/2022 Tweet - "Children shouldn't have to fight to stop gun violence, but last week's vote was for them."
06/03/2022 Tweet - "As @POTUS asked last night: "How much more carnage are we willing to accept? How many more innocent American lives must be taken until we say enough?" Enough."
06/02/2022 Tweet - "Hospitals. Schools. Grocery stores. These should be safe places. Thoughts and prayers are not enough. My heart is with the victims, their loved ones, and the entire Tulsa community."
05/26/2022 Tweet - "At the Judiciary Committee hearing on the ATF nominee I spoke about the urgent need to combat gun violence. Watch:"
12/04/2021 Tweet - "Thank you for these beautiful words, @SenGaryPeters . As you said so well: "We cannot stand by when we know it is only a matter of time before the next school, the next community, is shattered.""
06/02/2019 Tweet - "In Virginia Beach, 12 lives were tragically ended by a murderer using high-capacity magazines, something we've sadly seen before. That's why--among many other gun safety measures--I support legislation to ban these magazines. As president I'll lead on gun safety & pass the bills."