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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Agriculture and Food


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

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Date Title
11/28/2023 Klobuchar Statement on USMCA Dispute Panel Decision on Dairy
09/25/2023 Klobuchar, Hoeven Introduce PACE Act to Improve Access to Credit for Farmers and Ranchers
07/28/2023 Klobuchar, Thune Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Make Crop Insurance More Affordable For Young Farmers and Veterans
05/19/2023 Klobuchar, Cornyn Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Prevent and Respond to Animal Disease Outbreaks
05/17/2023 Klobuchar, Marshall Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Access to Nutritious Dairy Products and Support Dairy Farmers
04/20/2023 As Work Continues on the 2023 Farm Bill, Klobuchar Hosts Boozman in Minnesota for Meetings with Agriculture Leaders
01/30/2023 Klobuchar, Thune Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Connect Farmers with Most Effective Conservation Practices
11/17/2021 U.S. Sens. Tina Smith, Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Rep. Angie Craig Lead MN Members in Introducing Resolution to Designate November 17 as "National Butter Day"
09/17/2021 Klobuchar, Fischer Introduce Bill to Expand Farmers' Access to Precision Agriculture Equipment, Climate-Friendly Technologies
08/27/2021 Following Push from Klobuchar, USDA to Offer Disaster Assistance for Grass Seed Producers
08/18/2021 Klobuchar, Smith Announce Federal Disaster Relief for Producers in 18 Minnesota Counties Hit Hard by Drought
08/12/2021 Klobuchar, Smith Announce USDA Grant Program to Support Health Care in Rural Communities
08/05/2021 U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar & Tina Smith Announce Emergency Haying & Grazing in Minnesota
08/04/2021 As Drought Continues, Klobuchar, Smith Announces USDA Disaster Assistance for Minnesota Farmers and Livestock Producers
08/02/2021 At Agriculture Committee Hearing, Klobuchar Secures Commitment from USDA Nominee to Prioritize Drought Relief for Farmers and Ranchers
07/28/2021 U.S. Senators Tina Smith, John Thune Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Allow Emergency Haying During Severe Drought
07/28/2021 Klobuchar, Smith, Thune, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Authorize Emergency Haying During Drought
07/23/2021 Following Urging from Klobuchar, Smith, USDA Announces Additional Coronavirus Relief Funding for Livestock and Poultry Producers
07/15/2021 Following Introduction of Legislation by Klobuchar and Colleagues, House Appropriations Committee Approves Funding to Remove Toxins from Baby Food
07/14/2021 Fischer, Klobuchar Lead Bipartisan Group in Reintroducing Legislation Expanding Market for Biofuels Year-Round
07/14/2021 Fischer, Klobuchar Lead Bipartisan Group in Reintroducing Legislation Expanding Market for Biofuels Year-Round
07/02/2021 Baby Food Safety Funding Championed By Krishnamoorthi, Klobuchar, Duckworth, And Cárdenas Approved By Appropriations Committee
07/01/2021 Following Letter from Klobuchar, Smith, and Craig, USDA Announces Additional Coronavirus Relief Funding for Farmers and Agricultural Businesses
06/24/2021 Klobuchar, Moran Announce USDA Investment in Small and Midsized Meatpackers
06/24/2021 Klobuchar Leads Colleagues in Urging FDA to Further Efforts to Eliminate Toxic Heavy Metals in Baby Food

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