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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

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Date Title
07/19/2021 Klobuchar Statement on Canadian Border Announcement
07/19/2021 Klobuchar Statement on Extension and Re-Designation of Somalia for Temporary Protected Status
07/16/2021 Klobuchar Statement on Canada Border Update
07/28/2020 Klobuchar Statement on Administration's Decision to Reject New DACA Applications
06/18/2020 Klobuchar Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on DACA
01/17/2020 Klobuchar, Smith Say Administration Granted Their Request to Extend Humanitarian Protections for Somali Nationals
12/20/2019 Klobuchar Provisions Included in National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
12/17/2019 Klobuchar, Smith: Senate Passes Legislation to Give Eligible Liberians Permanent Residency Status and Pathway to Citizenship, Heads to President's Desk
11/06/2019 Duckworth, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Protect Military Families from Deportation
10/04/2019 Harris, Colleagues File Amicus Brief in Support of DACA in the Supreme Court
09/17/2019 Feinstein, Hirono, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Block Implementation of Trump Administration's "Public Charge" Rule
07/17/2019 Murphy, Blumenthal, colleagues introduce legislation to stop cruel and neglectful treatment of children at the border
07/12/2019 Cortez Masto joins legislation to block immigration enforcement at sensitive locations
07/11/2019 Menendez, Booker, Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Stop Cruel and Neglectful Treatment of Children at Border
06/07/2019 Klobuchar Introduces Legislation to Help International Students Pursuing STEM Careers in the United States
06/06/2019 Durbin, Blumenthal, Harris, Klobuchar: Keep International Student Talent In America
05/22/2019 Senators Hirono, Blunt, Collins, Klobuchar Introduce Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2019
03/28/2019 Klobuchar Statement on Extension of Protected Status for Liberians
07/19/2018 Klobuchar Statement on Extension of Temporary Protected Status for Somalia
06/12/2018 Klobuchar Statement on Attorney General Sessions' Decision to Overturn Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence
02/26/2018 Klobuchar: Fighting Russian interference is Trump's "obligation"
09/05/2017 Klobuchar Statement on Trump Administration Decision to Rescind DACA
01/28/2017 Klobuchar Statement on the President's Executive Order on Refugees and Its Consequences
06/23/2016 Klobuchar Statement on Supreme Court Split Immigration Decision
09/12/2007 Statement of Senator Amy Klobuchar Regarding Deferred Enforced Departure for Liberians

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