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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Labor Unions

Date Title
05/10/2022 Letter to Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks - Markey Joins Booker, Brown Lead Group of 14 Senators Urging Starbucks CEO to Support Unionization Efforts
05/25/2021 Letter to Hon. Merrick Garland, US Attorney General - Feinstein, Durbin, Padilla, Judiciary Democrats Press DOJ to Support Immigration Judges
03/04/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mark Esper, Secretary of the United States Department of Defense - U.S. Senator Tina Smith & Democratic Senate Colleagues Defend Right of Department of Defense Civilian Workers to Engage in Collective Bargaining
10/22/2019 Letter to the Hon. Andrew Wheeler, Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Menendez, Booker Press EPA on Abrupt End to Contract Negotiations with Employee Union
08/01/2019 Letter to the Hon. Robert Wilkie, Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Durbin, Duckworth Urge VA Secretary To End Anti-Worker, Anti-Union Negotiation Tactics
07/31/2019 Letter to the Hon. Robert Wilkie, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs - U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges VA Secretary to End Anti-Worker, Anti-Union Tactics
07/23/2019 Letter to Andrew M. Saul, Commissioner of the Social Security Administration - Van Hollen, Cardin Lead Full Democratic Caucus in Urging Social Security Administrator to Respect Employees and Their Unions
05/21/2019 Letter to Secretary Acosta, Secretary of Labor - Brown, Sanders, Murray Lead 20 Senators In Urging Labor Dept To Withdraw Proposed Rule That Would Deny Millions Of Workers Overtime Pay They Have Earned
11/13/2015 Letter to Joh Cousins, CEO, Compass Group - Let Workers Organize
12/08/2011 Letter to Ron Kirk, U.S. Trade Representative and Hilda Solis, Labor Secretary
04/22/2009 Letter to The Honorable Tom Harkin, Chairman, Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and The Honorable Arlen Specter, Ranking Member
02/14/2008 Letter to Edward M. Kennedy and Mike Enzi, Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Re: Heart for Women Act