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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

Date Title
03/08/2024 Klobuchar Statement on Expansion of Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care Eligibility
03/10/2022 Senators Reverend Warnock, Duckworth, Murkowski Introduce New Bipartisan Bill to Tackle Military Hunger
07/20/2020 Klobuchar Statement on Confirmation of Major General Jon Jensen of Minnesota as Director of the Army National Guard
06/03/2020 Duckworth, Klobuchar, Rounds, Sullivan Introduce Legislation to Help Servicemembers and Veterns Exposed to Burn Pits Receive Proper Care During Coronavirus Pandemic
04/30/2020 Klobuchar Announces Coast Guard has the Same Priority Access to Child Care Programs
12/20/2019 Klobuchar Provisions Included in National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
12/05/2019 Klobuchar Statement on Tragic National Guard Helicopter Crash
11/06/2019 Duckworth, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Protect Military Families from Deportation
05/21/2019 Cassidy, Colleagues' Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Tax Cut Law, Lower Taxes on Gold Star Families Passes Senate
05/08/2019 Cassidy, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Tax Cut Law, Lower Taxes on Gold Star Families
03/09/2017 Feinstein, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Veterans' Recruitment Bill
01/23/2013 Klobuchar Statement on Pentagon's Decision to Lift Ban on Women in Comba
09/21/2012 Don't Ask, Don't Tell
03/28/2012 Senators Klobuchar, Snowe, Nelson, Blumenthal Introduce Legislation Helping Veterans Use Skills Learned in Military to Get Good Jobs
10/22/2011 Klobuchar Statement on Iraq Troop Withdrawal
06/18/2010 Members of the Senate Women's Caucus on Burma Call on Burmese Military Junta to Release Democratic Leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Her Birthday
06/17/2009 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Oversight of the Justice Department
03/17/2009 Panel I Of A Joint Hearing Of The Crime And Drugs Subcommittee Of The Senate Judiciary Committee And The Senate Caucus On International Narcotics Control
02/13/2009 Klobuchar Praises Minnesota National Guard Preparing for Departure to Iraq
09/26/2007 Women's Burma Caucus Calls on International Community to Keep up Press on Military Junta
05/24/2007 Senator Klobuchar Statement on Emergency Supplemental Bill Passage