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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Trade


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

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Date Title
05/20/2021 Klobuchar, Moran, Leahy Introduce Legislation to Lift Cuba Trade Embargo
02/25/2021 Klobuchar, Grassley Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Allow the Importation of More Affordable Prescription Drugs from Canada
04/26/2018 Klobuchar Questions Agriculture Secretary about the Renewable Fuel Standard and Small Refinery Waivers
06/16/2017 Lt. Governor Tina Smith to Lead Bipartisan Delegation of Minnesota Elected Officials and Business Leaders to Cuba
06/15/2017 Klobuchar Statement on the U.S.-Mexico Sugar Deal
05/25/2017 Klobuchar, Enzi, Leahy, Flake Lead Bipartisan Coalition to Introduce Major Legislation to Lift Cuba Trade Embargo
04/26/2017 Klobuchar Statement on Minnesota Dairy Producers Reaching Contract Agreements
04/24/2017 Klobuchar Statement on New Tariffs for Canadian Softwood Lumber
04/13/2017 Klobuchar, Franken, Peterson, Walz Urge Administration to Support Minnesota Dairy Farmers Through Strong Enforcement of Our Trade Laws With Canada
04/12/2017 Klobuchar Statement on Administration Action Against Foreign Steel Dumping
04/05/2017 Klobuchar and Steel State Senators Urge President Trump to Address Chinese Steel Dumping and Overcapacity During Meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping
12/07/2016 Klobuchar, Emmer, and Bipartisan Congressional Coalition Highlight the Need for Congress to Lift the Trade Embargo with Cuba
12/01/2016 Klobuchar-Sponsored Bipartisan Bill to Encourage Public-Private Partnerships to Improve National Security and Trade Across Northern Border Passes Senate
10/04/2016 Klobuchar, Franken, and Bipartisan Group of Senators Push Administration for Renewed Emphasis on Enforcement to Tackle Steel Overcapacity
05/27/2016 After Effort From Klobuchar and Coats, the International Trade Commission to Investigate Unfair Trade Practice by Chinese Steel Producers and Distributers
05/18/2016 Klobuchar, Franken, Nolan Announce Final Tariffs to Combat Steel Dumping
04/12/2016 Klobuchar Testifies to Push for Stronger Enforcement of Trade Laws to Combat Steel Dumping
02/25/2016 After Efforts from Dayton, Klobuchar, Franken, and Nolan, White House Announces New Actions To Crack Down On Illegal Steel Dumping
09/22/2015 After Call from Klobuchar, Franken, and Nolan, Department of Labor Approves Trade Adjustment Assistance for Steel Workers and Miners Impacted by Layoffs
08/16/2015 InForum - Klobuchar: Reopening Embassy in Cuba 'Just the First Step'
07/20/2015 Klobuchar: Opening of Cuban Embassy Marks Next Chapter in Relationship
05/29/2015 The Need to Crack Down on Anti-competitive Pay for Delay Deals
05/29/2015 Klobuchar, Grassley Statements on Cephalon Pay-for-Delay
04/29/2015 Senators Aim to End Patent Abuses that Cost U.S. Economy Billions of Dollars Every Year
03/27/2015 Lt. Governor Smith, Senators Klobuchar and Franken, and Representative Nolan Met with Top Administration Officials Today to Discuss Steel Industry Jobs

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