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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Unemployed and Low-Income

Date Title
07/22/2021 House and Senate Democrats, Biden Administration Leaders Stress Importance of Workforce Investments to Build Back Better
02/16/2021 Klobuchar, Craig Urge IRS to Help Minnesotans Avoid Tax Filing Confusion and Delays in Receiving Returns Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic
09/25/2020 Klobuchar, Smith, Omar Announce $5 Million in Funding for Housing Assistance in Minneapolis
09/11/2020 Klobuchar, Smith Announce over $25 Million in Funding for Housing in Minnesota
06/27/2019 Cortez Masto, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Stop Trump Administration Proposal to End Protections for Homeless Transgender People
10/18/2017 Thune, Klobuchar Introduce Bill to Strengthen Reliable Home Heating Act
10/27/2016 Klobuchar, Franken Announce Over $100 Million in Critical Heating Assistance for Minnesota Seniors and Families
10/08/2015 As Winter Approaches, Klobuchar and Franken Urge Administration to Release Critical Heating Assistance for Minnesota Seniors and Families as Quickly As Possible
07/07/2015 Paulsen, Franken Lead MN Congressional Delegation in Urging Federal Agency to Protect Mental Health Funding for MN Children
01/22/2015 Klobuchar, Franken Announce Additional $9 Million in Critical Heating Assistance for Minnesota Seniors and Families
10/15/2014 After Push from Klobuchar and Franken, Administration Releases Over $100 Million in Critical Heating Assistance for Minnesota Seniors and Families
04/04/2014 Sens. Klobuchar, Franken Fight to Lower Minnesotans' Energy Costs
01/30/2014 After Push from Klobuchar, Franken, and Baldwin, Administration Will Release Emergency LIHEAP Funds to Help Families During Ongoing Propane Shortage
01/22/2014 Klobuchar, Franken: Increased Heating Assistance for Seniors and Families Included in Bipartisan Spending Bill
01/13/2014 In the Wake of Recent Cold Weather, Sen. Franken Releases County-by-County Report on Heating Assistance
12/12/2012 Klobuchar Statement on Decline in Number of Homeless Veterans
12/07/2012 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Restore Funding for LIHEAP
08/06/2012 Klobuchar's Bipartisan Bill to Support Homeless Veterans Signed Into Law
11/17/2011 Klobuchar, Franken Urge Senate Leadership to Provide Full Funding for Heating Assistance for Minnesota Seniors and Families
07/21/2010 Klobuchar: Minnesotans Will Receive Extension of Federal Unemployment Benefits
06/08/2010 Klobuchar Announces Inclusion of Medicaid Funding Extension in Jobs Bill; Funding Was Originally Included in Budget Proposals by Governor, Legislature
11/20/2008 Klobuchar Fights for Workers During Struggling Economy
02/29/2008 Klobuchar Demands that HHS Revise Funding Rule for Crucial State Medical Services
02/26/2008 Klobuchar Secures Amendment to Support State Medical Services
07/24/2007 Senator Klobuchar Statement On Minimum Wage As New Law Takes Effect