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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Women


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

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Date Title
10/17/2022 Klobuchar, Collins Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Treatment of Pregnant Women in Custody
06/23/2022 Klobuchar Statement on 50 Year Anniversary of Title IX
05/12/2022 Klobuchar, Pelosi, Frankel Celebrate Passage of Legislation to Honor Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg and O'Connor
04/13/2022 Klobuchar, Murkowski, Collins, Sinema Bipartisan Legislation to Honor Supreme Court Justices Ginsburg and O'Connor Signed Into Law
01/14/2022 Klobuchar, Grassley Bipartisan, Bicameral Resolution Designating January as National Stalking Awareness Month Passes Senate
09/18/2020 Klobuchar Statement on the Passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
08/18/2020 Klobuchar Statement on Centennial of 19th Amendment Guaranteeing Women in America Right to Vote
01/30/2020 Klobuchar, Murkowski Introduce Legislation to Promote Enforcement of the Federal Hate Crimes Law
01/24/2020 Klobuchar Leads Bipartisan Resolution Designating January as National Stalking Awareness Month
11/21/2019 Klobuchar, Murkowski Combat Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Prenatal Substance Abuse
11/14/2019 Reed, Whitehouse join Senate Democrats in introducing House-passed Violence Against Women Act
11/13/2019 Klobuchar Joins Colleagues in Introducing Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act
11/08/2019 Klobuchar Statement on the Republicans' Decision to Abandon a Bipartisan Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act Over Her Gun Safety Provision
07/24/2019 Women Senators Introduce Bill Requiring Equal Pay, Resources for U.S. National Teams
07/17/2019 Cortez Masto joins women senators to introduce Equal Pay Bill for all U.S. national teams
10/16/2017 Shaheen, Hassan Join Senate Democrats to File Amicus Brief in Support of Planned Parenthood; Stand Up for Women's Health & Rights in Texas
03/06/2017 Senators Introduce Bill Requiring U.S. Amateur Athletic Organizations, Members to Report Sexual Abuse
03/16/2016 Klobuchar Provisions to Help Combat Eating Disorders Pass Senate Help Committee
03/07/2016 Klobuchar, Warner Introduce Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking on Flights
11/04/2015 Klobuchar Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Improve Treatment for Pregnant Women and Moms with Substance Abuse Disorders
10/13/2015 Klobuchar Cosponsors Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Research, Care, and Treatment Options for Childhood Cancer Patients
04/14/2014 Klobuchar, Heitkamp in Mexico to Discuss Joint Efforts to Fight Sex Trafficking, Heroin Epidemic
04/01/2014 Mikulski, Senate and House Democrats Along with Advocacy Groups Urge Senate Passage of Paycheck Fairness Act
07/24/2013 Bipartisan and Bicameral Coalition Introduce Legislation to End Sex Trafficking Demand
01/23/2013 Klobuchar Statement on Pentagon's Decision to Lift Ban on Women in Comba

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