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Amy Klobuchar's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic/Farmer/Labor for U.S. Senate (MN) - Sr

Date Title
06/15/2021 Klobuchar Statement on Nomination of Thomas Nides as U.S. Ambassador to Israel
04/28/2021 Klobuchar Statement on Biden Address to a Joint Session of Congress
07/01/2020 Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Kicks Off Planning for 59th Presidential Inauguration
05/07/2020 At Senate Rules Committee Hearing, Klobuchar Opposes Trainor and Abandonment of Bipartisan Process for Advancing FEC Nominees
01/31/2020 Klobuchar Statement on Failed Vote on Whether to Allow Witnesses or Documents in Trump Impeachment Trial
01/09/2020 Klobuchar Statement on Republican Proposals to Change Senate Rules Ahead of Impeachment
12/18/2019 Klobuchar Statement on the Impeachment of President Trump
11/07/2018 Klobuchar Statement on the Resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Request of the President
11/16/2017 Statement of Senator Amy Klobuchar on Need for Ethics Investigation Regarding Senator Franken
09/05/2017 Klobuchar Statement on Trump Administration Decision to Rescind DACA
05/12/2017 Following Efforts from Emmer, McCollum and Klobuchar, the U.S. Wants to Compete for a World Expo Act has Been Signed Into Law
03/10/2017 Klobuchar Statement on U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger
02/01/2017 Klobuchar Statement on the President's Nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court
01/09/2017 Democrats Introduce Bill to Require President and Vice President to Fully Divest Personal Financial Conflicts of Interest
01/20/2015 Klobuchar Statement on State of the Union Address
02/12/2013 Klobuchar Statement on State of the Union Address
01/21/2013 Klobuchar Statement on President Obama Inauguration
01/16/2013 Klobuchar Statement on Nomination of Todd Jones as ATF Director
06/17/2009 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Oversight of the Justice Department
11/02/2007 Senator Klobuchar Statement on Bush Veto of Water Infrastructure Bill