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John Bel Edwards' Public Statements on Issue: Taxes

Date Title
05/09/2022 Gov. Edwards' Statement on the Increased Forecast by the Revenue Estimating Conference
06/07/2019 Gov. Edwards Signs Major Infrastructure and Economic Development Bills in New Orleans
01/01/2019 Issue Position: Taxes
04/20/2018 Louisiana Nominates 150 Opportunity Zones
03/07/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, the Hon. Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader, the Hon. Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, and the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader - Pass Fix for Family-Owned Farms
02/09/2018 Gov. Edwards Issues Call for Special Session Starting Feb. 19
01/14/2018 Gov. Edwards to Louisiana Legislators: Act Now to Address Fiscal Cliff
01/04/2018 Letter to Louisiana Public Service Commission - Consider Utility Rate Reductions upon Review of New Federal Tax Changes
05/09/2017 Gov. Edwards: House Committee Blocks Tax Cut for 90% of Louisianans
04/10/2017 John Bel Edwards' 2017 State of the State address
03/29/2017 Gov. Edwards Unveils Reforms to Stabilize Louisiana's Budget
03/15/2017 Gov. Edwards' Statement on Louisiana's Credit Rating
02/22/2017 Budget Agreement Protects Critical State Services
01/13/2017 Statement by Gov. Edwards on 1.13.17 REC Meeting
07/05/2016 Gov. Edwards: Film Program Review to Focus on Creating a Sustainable Industry for Louisiana
06/24/2016 Gov. Edwards Ties Industrial Tax Breaks to Job Creation and Local Approval
06/07/2016 Gov. Edwards' Address: Second Special Session of the Louisiana Legislature
03/14/2016 2016 State of the State Address to the Louisiana Legislature
02/22/2016 Governor Edwards Says Audit Report Demonstrates Need to Stabilize Louisiana Tax Code
02/14/2016 Gov. Edwards' 2016 Special Session Opening Address
02/11/2016 Gov. Edwards' Special Address to the State