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Tom Wolf's Public Statements on Issue: Environment

Date Title
04/18/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Gov. Sisolak joins six other states in letter to President Biden highlighting the costs of climate inaction
12/10/2021 Letter to Hon. Thomas Carper, Chair Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Hon. Peter DeFazio, Chair House Committee Transportation and Infrastructure; Hon. Shelley Capito, Ranking Member Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Hon. Sam Graves, Ranking Member House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure - Governor Whitmer Calls for Full Funding of Brandon Road Lock and Dam to Prevent Invasive Carp in Great Lakes
09/13/2021 Letter to Members of the Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation - Gov. Wolf Urges Congress to Consider Key Priorities in American Families Plan That Will Support Pennsylvanians
03/19/2021 Letter to Senator Chris Coons, Rep. Marc Veasey, Senator Bill Cassidy, and Rep. David McKinley - Governor Gordon Joins Three Other Governors in Writing Letter to Congress Endorsing the SCALE Act
10/31/2019 Letter to the Hon. Richard Shelby, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Hon. Patrick Leahy, Vice Chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Hon. Nita Lowey, Chairwoman of the House Committee on Appropriations, and the Hon. Kay Granger, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Appropriations - Governor Hogan Urges Congress to Fully Fund Chesapeake Bay Restoration
09/18/2019 Letter to the Hon. James Inhofe, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, the Hon. Jack Reed, Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, the Hon. Adam Smith, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and the Hon. Mac Thornberry, Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee - Governor Carney and 14 Governors Urge Congress to Act on Harmful PFAS
05/03/2017 Letter to the Honorable Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Paris Climate Agreement
05/02/2017 Letter to the Honorable Donald Trump, President of the United States - State Disaster Declaration