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Lois Frankel's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (FL) - District 22

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Date Title
11/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, Attorney General for the Dept. of Justice - Maloney, Raskin, Speier, Wasserman Schultz, and Frankel Seek Briefing on DOJ's Role in Favorable Plea Deal for Sexual Predator Jeffrey Epstein
09/15/2020 Letter to the Hon. Joseph Cuffari, Inspector General of the Dept. of Homeland Security - 173 Members of Congress Urge DHS Inspector General to Open Investigation Into Whistleblower Allegations Regarding High Rates of Hysterectomies Being Performed on Immigrant Women
08/19/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump, President of the United States - Florida Congressional Democrats Blast Trump's "Empty Promises' Executive Actions
12/20/2019 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Schneider, Wasserman Schultz Lead Jewish Members of Congress in Call for Dismissal of White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller
10/02/2019 Letter to Hon. Janet Dhillon, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - 50+ Members Oppose Trump Admin. Decision To Stop Pay Data Collection
07/09/2018 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump - Rescind Illegal Anti-Worker Executive Orders
06/21/2018 Letter to the Hon. Rodney Frelinghuysen, House Appropriations Chairman, and Nita Lowey, Ranking Member - Demand House Appropriations Committee Reject Family Separations in Upcoming Funding Bills
04/09/2018 Letter to Michael Cohen, Marc Kasowitz, and David Pecker - Judiciary & Democratic Women's Working Group letter re: Stormy Daniels 3.9.2018
03/09/2018 Letter to Michael Cohen, the McDermott Building, Marc Kasowitz, Kasowitz Benson and David Pecker, CEO American Media - Top Judiciary Dems & Congressional Democratic Women's Working Group Demand Answers About Trump's Hush Money Payoffs to Stormy Daniels & Others
02/09/2018 Letter to General John Kelly, White House Chief of Staff - Call for Answers in Rob Porter Scandal
12/21/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rod Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General - Congresswoman Susan Davis Joins in Expressing Support for Robert Mueller's Investigation of Trump
12/20/2017 Letter to the Hon. Eric Hargan, Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services and Brenda Fitzgerald, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - 88 Members of Congress Request Clarification from HHS and CDC on Reported Agency Censorship
12/14/2017 Letter to the Hon. Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Democratic Women's Working Group Leadership Responds to Oversight Committee Chairman's Refusal to Investigate Trump
12/12/2017 Letter to the Hon. Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Hon. Elijah Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Members of the Democratic Women's Working Group Request Congressional Investigation Into Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against President Trump
12/06/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rex W. Tillerson, Secretary of State - Trump's Anti-Muslim Retweets Endanger Americans
08/29/2017 Letter to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Representatives Urge Trump to Reverse Transgender Military Ban
07/25/2017 Letter to the Hon. Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce - National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments
07/18/2017 Letter to President Donald Trump - Congressional Women Call on Trump to Keep the White House Council on Women and Girls
06/16/2017 Letter to President Donald J. Trump - LGBTQ Pride Month Proclamation
05/23/2017 Letter to the Hon. John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security - Members of Congress Warn Against Appointment of David Clarke to DHS
05/11/2017 Letter to the Hon. Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior - Federal Waters Executive Order
05/02/2017 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Mexico's Sugar Trade Practices
05/02/2017 Letter to the President - Fire Sebastian Gorka, White House Counterterrorism Advisor
05/02/2017 Letter to President Donald J. Trump - Beyer, Cicilline, Pascrell, Jayapal Lead House Democrats Calling on Trump to Help with Syrians
04/26/2017 Letter to the Hon. Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State - Reopen South Florida Passport Agency

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