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Salud Carbajal's Public Statements on Issue: Women


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 24

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Date Title
07/15/2022 Carbajal Votes to Protect Right to Abortion, Right to Travel for Reproductive Health Care
06/24/2022 Rep. Carbajal Statement on Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe V Wade
05/10/2022 Letter to Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services - Working to Restore Access to Medicaid Reproductive Health Services
04/26/2022 Letter to the Honorable Sanford Bishop, Chariman of Agriculture Subcommittee, The Honorable Kay Granger, Ranking Member of Agriculture Subcommittee - Funding the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program
03/07/2022 Letter to Robert Califf, Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration - FDA Considerations of Over-the-Counter Birth Control
03/01/2022 Letter to Hon. Tom Vilsack, Secretary U.S. Department of Agriculture - Representatives Young, Moore Lead 112 House and Senate Colleagues in Urging USDA to Update the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Food Packages, Ensure Access to Healthy Food for Low-Income Families
09/15/2020 Letter to the Hon. Joseph Cuffari, Inspector General of the Dept. of Homeland Security - 173 Members of Congress Urge DHS Inspector General to Open Investigation Into Whistleblower Allegations Regarding High Rates of Hysterectomies Being Performed on Immigrant Women
07/06/2020 Letter to Sean O'Donnell, Acting Inspector General of the Department of Defense - Rep. Cisneros Joins Colleagues Requesting DoD IG to Conduct an Independent Investigation into Specialist Vanessa Guillen's Case
05/28/2020 Letter to the Hon. Jovita Carranza, Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Hon. Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury - Schakowsky Joins over 160 Members of Congress in Denouncing Ideological Attacks on Planned Parenthood Health Centers over PPP Loans
05/22/2020 Letter to Betsy DeVos, Department of Education Secretary, and Kenneth L. Marcus, Department of Education Assistant Secretary - Reps Speier, Kuster, Pressley and Slotkin Lead Letter Urging the Department of Education to Rescind its Indefensible Title IX Rule
01/08/2020 Letter to the Hon. Alez Azar, Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services - Schakowsky Slams New Trump Rule To Impose Restrictions On Reproductive Health Care
01/01/2020 Issue Position: Reproductive Justice
09/13/2019 Letter to the Hon. Kevin McAleenan, Acting Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security - 35+ Members Demands Answers from DHS about Appalling Treatment of Children, Deprivation of Menstrual Hygiene Products to Girls Detained at the Bor
05/23/2019 Menendez, Booker, Join House and Senate Dems to Introduce Legislation Guaranteeing Equal Access to Abortion Services Everywhere
01/08/2019 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, HHS - Rescind Proposal That Would Undermine Health Care by Burdening Women Seeking Coverage for Reproductive Care With Cumbersome, Duplicative Billing Process
10/01/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State - House Leaders Decry Omission of Reproductive Health in Annual Human Rights Report
05/15/2018 Letter to the Hon. Alexander Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Chairman Crowley, Sens. Warren, Murray, and Hassan and Reps. Barbara Lee and Nita Lowey Oppose Title X Domestic Gag Rule
02/26/2018 Letter to Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Push To Protect Patients From Discrimination
12/15/2017 Letter to the Hon. Mac Thornberry, the Hon. Adam Smith, the Hon. Edward Royce, the Hon. Eliot Engel, the Hon. Michael McCaul, the Hon. Bennie Thompson, the Hon. Devin Nunes, and the Hon. Adam Schiff - 42 Members of the House Call for Hearings on Sexual Misconduct in the National Security Workforce
10/31/2017 Letter to the Hon. Elaine Duke, DHS Acting Secretary - Congress Demand Answers on Reports of Increased Detention of Pregnant Women
10/26/2017 Letter to the Hon. Steven Mnuchin, the Hon. Alexander Acosta, and the Hon. Eric Hargan - Reverse Birth Control Access Rollback
07/25/2017 Letter to the Hon. Thomas E. Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services - Cuts to Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program
04/04/2017 Rep. Carbajal Recognizes Equal Pay Day, Cosponsors Paycheck Fairness Act
03/07/2017 Rep. Carbajal Criticizes Healthcare Repeal, Pushes For Full Review
02/14/2017 Letter to the Honorable Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House of Representatives - Title X and Women's Healthcare

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