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Thelma Drake's Public Statements on Issue: National Security

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Date Title
06/23/2008 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Act of 2008
06/20/2008 Drake Votes to Modernize Surveillance of Terrorist Communications
03/07/2008 Drake: Congress Must Vote on FISA Reform
11/15/2007 Hearing of the House Armed Services Committee's Terrorism, Unconventional Threats Subcommittee - Countering Ideological Support for Terrorism
10/26/2007 Drake Issues Statement on the Release of Mastermind Behind USS Cole Bombing
10/15/2007 Drake Votes Against Attempt to Hamper Intelligence Efforts
08/04/2007 Drake Votes to Close Terrorist Loophole
07/25/2007 Drake Introduces Legislation Strengthening Penalties for Criminal Aliens Re-Entering the U.S.
07/25/2007 Drake Introduces Legislation Strengthening Penalties for Criminal Aliens Re-Entering the U.S.
05/07/2007 Letter: To Representative Ike Skelton, Committee on Armed Services
04/18/2007 Honoring The 53,000 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, marines, And Civilians That Comprise The Nation's Special Operations Forces Community
03/21/2007 Wexler and 246 Members of Congress Urge EU Not to Provide Aid to New Palestinian Government
01/04/2007 Drake Announces That Hampton Roads Disignated Eligible For Additional Funding Under UASI
07/25/2006 Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act of 2006
07/17/2006 Press Releases - House Passes Drake's Bill to Protect Volunteer Pilot Organizations
05/04/2006 Drake Votes to Protect America's Ports
03/16/2006 Drake Votes to Fund U.S. Troops in the Field
03/16/2006 Drake Votes to Fund U.S. Troops in the Field
02/14/2006 National Security
02/07/2006 Article by Rabbi Israel Zoberman
12/14/2005 Iraqi Freedom
10/27/2005 Drake Named to Lead Panel on Threat Posed by Terrorism and Radical Islam
07/26/2005 Patriot Act Protects Rights of Americans
06/20/2005 Drake Supports Military Pay Raise, Funding of Key National Security Technologies and Shipbuilding in Hampton Roads Area
02/10/2005 Drake Statement Upon Passage of Terrorist Travel Bill

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