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Mike Rogers' Public Statements on Issue: Defense

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (MI) - Sr

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Date Title
09/10/2014 Statement by Chairman Rogers on President Obama's Address to the Nation on ISIL
06/17/2014 Chairman Rogers Statement on Capture of Benghazi Terrorist Ahmed Abu Khattalah
01/30/2014 HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers Calls Russian Apparent Violation of INF Treaty "A Major Step Backward in Our Post-Cold War Relations"
09/10/2013 Statement by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers on the President's Syria Speech
08/31/2013 HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers Urges All to Weigh the Intelligence and Fully Consider the Impact on US Interests
08/01/2013 Intel Committee Chairs and Ranking Members Slated to Meet with President Obama Today on FISA
07/24/2013 Joint Statement by House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers and Ranking Member C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger on the Defeat of the Amash Amendment
07/22/2013 Statement by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers on Syria
02/12/2013 Statement By HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers on North Korea's Recent Nuclear Test
02/08/2013 Chairman Rogers Welcomes Rep. Mike Pompeo to the House Intelligence Committee
12/31/2012 Four Congressional Intelligence Leaders Applaud Passage of FY13 Intelligence Authorization Bill
12/19/2012 Chairman Rogers Statement of Pickering Report
12/13/2012 Chairman Rogers Statement on FCC Commissioners' Testimony
09/12/2012 Chairman Rogers Applauds House Passage of FISA Amendments Bill in a Bipartisan Vote
08/13/2012 Statement by Chairman Mike Rogers on the Signing of the Haqqani Network Terrorist Designation Act by President Obama
08/02/2012 Statement by Chairman Rogers on Senate Cybersecurity Legislation
07/13/2012 Chairman Rogers Statement on Syria's Advanced Biological and Chemical Weapon
06/25/2012 Statement by Chairman Rogers on Director Clapper's Announcement of Steps to Deter and Detect Leaks
06/13/2012 Rogers and Ruppersberger Intensify Investigation of Huawei and ZTE
04/26/2012 Hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence - Cyber Information Sharing & Protection Act
04/24/2012 Chairman Rogers Issues Clarifying Statement
04/17/2012 Statement by Chairman Rogers on the Nomination of LTG Michael Flynn as DIA Director
09/29/2011 House Intelligence Committee to Hold Open Hearing on Cyber Security Threats to Our Nation
09/13/2011 Joint Hearing of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees - "The State of Intelligence Reform 10 Years After 9/11"
06/22/2011 Chairman Rogers Says Troop Withdrawal in Afghanistan is the Wrong Move

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