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Steve Scalise's Public Statements on Issue: Minors and Children

Date Title
02/17/2021 Tweet - "The Born Alive Act ensures EVERY baby has access to emergency care. Last Congress Dems blocked it 80+ times. We re-introduced it. And they're blocking it again. They don't want voters to see where they stand on infanticide. My op-ed w/ @RepAnnWagner:"
02/13/2019 Tweet - "I won't stop fighting to bring legislation to the House Floor that protects babies born alive during abortions and punishes doctors who leave them to die. This shouldn't even be a debate. But for the past week, Democrats have refused to even consider this legislation."
02/08/2019 Tweet - "Wherever you stand on abortion, how can you think it's anything other than murder to kill a baby after it's born alive during an abortion? Today I asked the House Democrat Majority Leader why they once again refused to even consider our bill to ban this disgusting practice."
02/07/2019 Tweet - "Yesterday I introduced a resolution that will force every single Democrat to now go on record and reveal to the American people whether or not they support infanticide. It's simple: you're either willing to accept born-alive babies being killed or you're not."
02/07/2019 Tweet - "Before the entire House, I asked for immediate consideration of a bill that protects infants born alive during abortions. But Democrats rejected my motion and refused to consider it. Why won't they go on record and tell the American people where they stand on infanticide?"
01/25/2018 Tweet - "Next week, the House will vote on major reforms to the reporting and prevention of sexual abuse of amateur athletes. This is about protecting our kids."
01/18/2018 Tweet - "The House just voted to fund the government. Senate Democrats need to take a serious look into the mirror and decide if they really want to shut down the government and deny health care to nearly 9 million children in order to provide amnesty for people here illegally."
11/03/2017 Tweet - "The House just voted to extend #CHIP, to provide coverage to children who need it most."