Rating Group: Planned Parenthood Action Fund

1999 Positions

Vote Smart displays all known interest group ratings for each candidate and official, regardless of issue or bias.

Keep in mind that ratings done by special interest groups often do not represent a non-partisan stance. In addition, some groups select votes that tend to favor members of one political party over another, rather than choosing votes based solely on issue concerns. Nevertheless, they can be invaluable in showing where an incumbent has stood on a series of votes in the past one or two years, especially when ratings by groups on all sides of an issue are compared. Website links, if available, and descriptions of the organizations offering performance evaluations are accessible by clicking on the name of the group.

With rare exceptions, Vote Smart displays interest group ratings as a 0-100 percentage. While many interest groups use percentages as ratings to begin with, please note that Vote Smart has translated some ratings to a percentage from a different rating system for consistency and ease in understanding. Please visit the group's website, email us at ratings@votesmart.org or call our Voter Information Hotline at 1-888-VOTESMART for more specific information.

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results per page:
State Office Name Party Rating
Neil Abercrombie 100%
Gary Ackerman 100%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 100%
Thomas Allen 100%
Rob Andrews 100%
Joe Baca, Sr. 100%
Brian Baird 100%
ME State Senate - 9 Joseph Baldacci Democratic 100%
WI U.S. Senate - Jr Tammy Baldwin Democratic 100%
Max Baucus 100%
NA U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra 100%
Kenneth Bentsen, Jr. 100%
Shelley Berkley 100%
Howard Berman 100%
Judy Biggert 100%
Jeff Bingaman 100%
Rod Blagojevich 100%
OR U.S. House - 3 Earl Blumenauer Democratic 100%
Sherwood Boehlert 100%
Rick Boucher 100%
Barbara Boxer 100%
Bob Brady 100%
Corrine Brown 100%
OH U.S. Senate - Sr Sherrod Brown Democratic 100%
Richard Bryan 100%
Thomas Campbell 100%
Lois Capps 100%
Mike Capuano 100%
MD U.S. Senate - Sr Ben Cardin Democratic 100%
Julia Carson 100%
William Clay, Sr. 100%
Eva Clayton 100%
Joseph Maxwell Cleland 100%
SC U.S. House - 6 Jim Clyburn Democratic 100%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins Republican 100%
John Conyers, Jr. 100%
William Coyne 100%
Elijah Cummings 100%
IL U.S. House - 7 Danny Davis Democratic 100%
Peter DeFazio 100%
CO U.S. House - 1 Diana DeGette Democratic 100%
CT U.S. House - 3 Rosa DeLauro Democratic 100%
Bill Delahunt 100%
Peter Deutsch 100%
Norm Dicks 100%
Julian Dixon 100%
Chris Dodd 100%
TX U.S. House - 37 Lloyd Doggett II Democratic 100%
Calvin Dooley 100%
IL U.S. Senate - Sr Dick Durbin Democratic 100%
John Edwards 100%
Eliot Engel 100%
CA U.S. House - 16 Anna Eshoo Democratic 100%
Lane Evans 100%
Sam Farr 100%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 100%
Russ Feingold 100%
Dianne Feinstein 100%
Bob Filner 100%
Barney Frank 100%
Jonas Frost III 100%
Sam Gejdenson 100%
Benjamin Gilman 100%
Charlie Gonzalez 100%
Daniel Graham 100%
Gene Green 100%
James Greenwood 100%
Luis Gutiérrez 100%
Tom Harkin 100%
Alcee Hastings, Sr. 100%
Maurice Hinchey 100%
Joseph Hoeffel 100%
Rush Holt, Jr. 100%
Darlene Hooley 100%
Stephen Horn 100%
MD U.S. House - 5 Steny Hoyer Democratic 100%
Daniel Inouye 100%
WA Governor Jay Inslee Democratic 100%
Jesse Jackson, Jr. 100%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee Democratic 100%
James Merrill Jeffords 100%
Eddie Johnson 100%
Nancy Johnson 100%
Edward Kennedy, Sr. 100%
Bob Kerrey 100%
John Kerry 100%
Carolyn Kilpatrick 100%
Herb Kohl 100%
Tom Lantos 100%
CT U.S. House - 1 John Larson Democratic 100%
Frank Lautenberg 100%
CA U.S. House - 12 Barbara Lee Democratic 100%
Carl Levin 100%
Sandy Levin 100%
John Lewis 100%
Joe Lieberman 100%
CA U.S. House - 18 Zoe Lofgren Democratic 100%
Nita Lowey 100%
William Luther 100%
Carolyn Maloney 100%
State Office Name Party Rating
Neil Abercrombie 100%
Gary Ackerman 100%
Daniel Akaka, Sr. 100%
Thomas Allen 100%
Rob Andrews 100%
Joe Baca, Sr. 100%
Brian Baird 100%
ME State Senate - 9 Joseph Baldacci D 100%
WI U.S. Senate - Jr Tammy Baldwin D 100%
Max Baucus 100%
NA U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra 100%
Kenneth Bentsen, Jr. 100%
Shelley Berkley 100%
Howard Berman 100%
Judy Biggert 100%
Jeff Bingaman 100%
Rod Blagojevich 100%
OR U.S. House - 3 Earl Blumenauer D 100%
Sherwood Boehlert 100%
Rick Boucher 100%
Barbara Boxer 100%
Bob Brady 100%
Corrine Brown 100%
OH U.S. Senate - Sr Sherrod Brown D 100%
Richard Bryan 100%
Thomas Campbell 100%
Lois Capps 100%
Mike Capuano 100%
MD U.S. Senate - Sr Ben Cardin D 100%
Julia Carson 100%
William Clay, Sr. 100%
Eva Clayton 100%
Joseph Maxwell Cleland 100%
SC U.S. House - 6 Jim Clyburn D 100%
ME U.S. Senate - Sr Susan Collins R 100%
John Conyers, Jr. 100%
William Coyne 100%
Elijah Cummings 100%
IL U.S. House - 7 Danny Davis D 100%
Peter DeFazio 100%
CO U.S. House - 1 Diana DeGette D 100%
CT U.S. House - 3 Rosa DeLauro D 100%
Bill Delahunt 100%
Peter Deutsch 100%
Norm Dicks 100%
Julian Dixon 100%
Chris Dodd 100%
TX U.S. House - 37 Lloyd Doggett II D 100%
Calvin Dooley 100%
IL U.S. Senate - Sr Dick Durbin D 100%
John Edwards 100%
Eliot Engel 100%
CA U.S. House - 16 Anna Eshoo D 100%
Lane Evans 100%
Sam Farr 100%
Chaka Fattah, Sr. 100%
Russ Feingold 100%
Dianne Feinstein 100%
Bob Filner 100%
Barney Frank 100%
Jonas Frost III 100%
Sam Gejdenson 100%
Benjamin Gilman 100%
Charlie Gonzalez 100%
Daniel Graham 100%
Gene Green 100%
James Greenwood 100%
Luis Gutiérrez 100%
Tom Harkin 100%
Alcee Hastings, Sr. 100%
Maurice Hinchey 100%
Joseph Hoeffel 100%
Rush Holt, Jr. 100%
Darlene Hooley 100%
Stephen Horn 100%
MD U.S. House - 5 Steny Hoyer D 100%
Daniel Inouye 100%
WA Governor Jay Inslee D 100%
Jesse Jackson, Jr. 100%
TX U.S. House - 18 Sheila Jackson Lee D 100%
James Merrill Jeffords 100%
Eddie Johnson 100%
Nancy Johnson 100%
Edward Kennedy, Sr. 100%
Bob Kerrey 100%
John Kerry 100%
Carolyn Kilpatrick 100%
Herb Kohl 100%
Tom Lantos 100%
CT U.S. House - 1 John Larson D 100%
Frank Lautenberg 100%
CA U.S. House - 12 Barbara Lee D 100%
Carl Levin 100%
Sandy Levin 100%
John Lewis 100%
Joe Lieberman 100%
CA U.S. House - 18 Zoe Lofgren D 100%
Nita Lowey 100%
William Luther 100%
Carolyn Maloney 100%
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